This page contains settings for eBook and Text Rental display and behavior.
It also contains the settings for integrating eBook Vendors.
eBook Configuration:
Parameter Name
If true, eBooks will not be
shown on the web site.
Activation Email BCC List
Comma-separated list of email
addresses to BCC on any Order Update Emails that are sent to customers that
have new Ebook Activation codes. Leave blank to only send the customer email.
Show eBook SKU on Emails
Set to true to show the eBook's
SKU, rather than the physical book ISBN, on the order update email and in the
customer's order history.
Related eBook Parameters
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is what the vendor calls
their activation codes. Some may call it Activation Code, others may call it
Some vendors require customers
to go to a website and enter the activation vode, while others allow us to
provide a link for the customer to click on. If provided, the Activation Code
will be displayed as a link with the URL built using this format. {0} represents
the Activation Code. For example,{0}
would append the Activation Code to the URL. Leave blank to display the
Activation Code as simple text with no link.
The name of the topic that
contains the instructions to download eBooks for this vendor.
The name of this eBook vendor.
This is a list of vendor codes
for the vendors that will display on the rentalandebookconfig page.
The maximum size of a file that
can be uploaded in any of the editors, such as the Topic editor. This should
be the number of bytes, so 1048576 would be 1MB. The default, if set to 0 or
left empty, is 200KB (204800).
Textbook Rental Configuration
Parameter Name
If true, textbook rentals will
not be shown on the web site.
Out of Stock Options
Define how Rental variants are
shown as Out of Stock. Select "Rental" to show the Rental variants
as Out of Stock based on the inventory of the Rental variants. Select
"New" or "Used" to show Rentals as Out of Stock when that
variant is out of stock. Select "NewAndUsed" to show Rentals as Out
of Stock only when both New and Used variants are out of stock.
Require Collateral
Indicate in which situation to
collect collateral on the web site. To collect collateral for both vendor-
and store-owned rentals, select B. To collect collateral for only
vendor-owned rentals, select V. If you do not wish to collect collateral for
any rentals, select N.
Hide Damage Fee
Enable this to hide the Damage
Fee on the rental agreement.
Honor New Available Online
Enable this to have New Rentals
honor the Available Online flag sent from VR for New textbooks.
Honor Used Available Online
Enable this to have Used Rentals
honor the Available Online flag sent from VR for Used textbooks.
Honor New Purchase Threshold
Enable this to have New Rentals
honor the Purchase Threshold sent from VR for New textbooks.
Honor Used Purchase Threshold
Enable this to have Used Rentals
honor the Purchase Threshold sent from VR for Used textbooks.
Honor Course Rental Flag
Enable this to honor the Rental
flag for a product on a course sent from VR. If enabled, and a course does
not allow rentals for a product, the booklist will hide any rentals for that
product on the course. If disabled, the flag is ignored.
Set to “Yes” to display only the
rental variants of a textbook when the course rental flag is “Yes”. Set to
“No” to display the non-rental variants of a textbook when the course rental
flag is “No.” RATEX.TextbookRental.HonorCourseRentalFlag must be set to “Yes”
to use this AppConfig.
Related Rental Parameters:
Set to 1 to allow the customer
to choose if they want to substitute textbook rentals. Set to 2 to always
substitute. Set to 3 to never substitute.