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Payment Method Restirctions

In Payment Method Restrictions, you configure non-credit card payment options for customers with authorized email addresses. This includes AR charges, student cards, and department charges.


Only users with an email address in the authorization list will see restricted payment methods when they checkout.


There are two ways to import email addresses to authorize for payment methods: the List setting, and importing email addresses.


 Setting  Description
Payment Method
Select the payment method to configure
Load Payment Method Options
Access payment method settings
Use Email authorization list
Use customer account email addresses to make payment methods available
List Copy and paste email addresses of users authorized to use selected payment method

Related Parameters


Parameter Description
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.AutoRun.Enabled Enable this to have the import process run automatically.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.AutoRun.Time Set this to the integer hour (Eastern Time) that the import process should automatically run every day.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.ColumnDelimiter Characters used to define the delimiter between columns in the import file.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.ColumnLength.Email Length of the Email field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.ColumnNumber.Email Column number in the input file of the column that represents the Email field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.ColumnStartIndex.Email Position in the fixed-width input file where the Email field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.ImportFilePath Path to the import file.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.IsDelimited Enable this to indicate that the import file is delimited. Disable if the import file is fixed-width.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.Import.SkipFirstRow Enable this to skip the first row of the import. This may be used because the import file has column headers in the first row, or some other header.
RATEX.PaymentMethodRestrictions.StudentCard.UseAuthorizationList Enable this to verify the customer's email address against a list of authorized users.

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