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Textbooks and Course Products


Create New Terms

 See Maintaining Campuses and Terms for procedures.

Modify Terms

See Maintaining Campuses and Terms for procedures.

Setting Rental Agreement Topic

See Maintaining Campuses and Terms for procedures. See Topics for information about creating and modifying Topics.

Setting Rental Return Date

See Maintaining Campuses and Terms for procedures.

Configuring the Booklist

Configuring the booklist controls how textbooks are displayed and sold. You set the display order of books, book conditions, classes and sections. See Booklist Config for information about available fields.


Setup eBook vendors

  1. In eRATEX Admin, click Configuration > eRATEX > Rental and eBook Conifguration.
  2. In Default Store, ensure No is slelcted.
  3. In Activation Email BCC List, type a comma separated list of email addresses that receive a copy of student ebook activation emails.
  4. If you prefer the ebook SKU rather than the ebook ISBN to display in the customer's ebook order, select Yes.
  5. For the vendor you are configuring, click Configure.
  6. In the menu that displays:
    1. In Vendor Name, ensure the vendor name is correct.
    2. In Instructions Topic Name, type the name of the topic page where the customer ebook vendor instructions are. See Topics for more information about topics.
    3. In Activation Code Name, enter what the vendor calls the activation code. See vendor documentation for this.
    4. In Activation Code URL Format, enter the format of the website customers must visit to activate their ebook, if necessary. See vendor documentation for this.
    5. Click Save and Close.

Set Rental parameters

See Rentals for information and procedures.


Setting up the Pre-Order Queue

See Pre-Order Process for information about setting up and managing Pre-Orders.

Adding Course Product Types

Note: Fields with asterisks are required fields.

  1. In eRATEX Admin, click Configuration > eRATEX > Course Product Types.
  2. Click ADD NEW.
  3. In Name, enter the label (name) for the product type.
  4. In Display Order, enter the order the product type displays on the booklist page.
  5. In Published, select whether to activate the product type.

Editing or Deleting a Course Product Type

Note: Fields with asterisks are required fields.

  1. Beside the Course Product Type, click Edit to change fields, or click Delete to remove this as a course product.
  2. If you are editing the course product, edit the following fields, as appropriate:
    • Name
    • Published: to display or hide the product type
    • Display order
    • Is Default, if the Course Product Type is the default selection on the booklist.
    • Delete: to remove the course product type.
  3. Click Update.


Assigning GM and TR Products to Courses

  1. In eRATEX Admin, click Configure > eRATEX > Course Products > Assign Products to Courses.
  2. In Term, select the term for the class.
  3. In Campus, select the campus for the class.
  4. In Departments, select the department(s) to select class(es) from.
  5. Click Load Courses.
  6. In Courses, select the courses to assign the product to.
  7. In Product Search, enter the search terms for the products to assign (SKU or product name)
  8. In Products, select the appropriate products to assign.
  9. In Assign Products as, select the adoption status of the products (e.g. Required, Optional)
  10. Click Assign Products to Courses.

At the top of the screen, NOTICE: Course Product records created successfully displays.


Removing GM and TR Products to Courses

  1. In eRATEX Admin, click Configure > eRATEX > Course Products > Remove Products from Courses.
  2. In Term, select the term for the course.
  3. In Campus, select the campus for the course.
  4. In Departments, select the departments to select course(s) from.
  5. Click Load Courses.
  6. In Courses, select the course(s) to remove the product from.
  7. Click Load Products.
  8. In Products, select the products to remove.
  9. Click Remove Products from Courses.

At the top of the page, NOTICE: Course Product records removed successfully displays.


Importing Student Schedules


In addition to importing student schedules through services like Banner, you can manually import student schedule files with eRATEX using the procedure below.

  1. Click Configuration > eRATEX > Advanced > Student Schedule File Import.
  2. In File Path, enter the path to the local student schedule file.
  3. In File is Delimited, if columns are delimited by a character select Yes.
  4. If the file is delimited, in Column Delimiter, type the character that delimits each column.
  5. If the first row of the file contains headings (not data), in Ignore First Row, select Yes.

    Note: If the student schedule file is not delimited, set the AppConfig parameters for column lengths. These parameters are the RATEX.StudentScheduleImport.ColumnLength parameters.

  6. In Column Name Import File Position, enter the order (beginning with 0) of the fields.

    Note: If there are no Term and/or Campus fields in the file, enter default values in Static Value.

  7. If you want to auto-run the file import:
    1. In Enabled, select Yes.
    2. In Daily Auto-Run Time, select the time to run the file import.
  8. Click Save and Begin Process to import the file.

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