This page allows you to preview and change each of your store's skins.
Previewing & Changing Store Skins
Select a store from the dropdown menu. If you have only configured a single store, Default Store will be pre-selected.
Choose a skin from the menu, and click Preview to see an example of your store using the chosen skin. To apply the skin to your store, click Apply Skin.
Adding a custom skin
If you are building your a custom skin for AspDotNetStorefront, you can add 2 files to your custom skin to support it within the Skin Selector page in the admin console.
Make sure that you have a /Skins/{YOURSKINNAME}/SkinInfo directory.
Create a preview.jpg file which is a screenshot of your custom skin. Image dimensions should be no larger than 1180 x 911 pixels.
Make sure you have a skininfo.xml file in the SkinInfo folder which stores information about your custom skin. You can use the skininfo.xml file from the default skin (Skin_1) as a template to create your own xml file.
<Description>This is the default skin that ships with AspDotNetStorefront. It is a great starting point for your own custom skin.</Description>