Most online shoppers are buying online to save time, as well as money.
So if you were a shopper, and had found something to buy, but were confronted with this page ...
... it's easy to imagine thinking "good, I'll take that option in the bottom right and skip registration."
Now, let's think.
In order to pay, a shopper cannot skip "billing address".
In order to take delivery, a shopper cannot skip "shipping address".
A shopper cannot skip the right to choose shipping cost/speed.
A shopper cannot skip giving payment details.
So what exactly gets skipped?? Just one thing. A password. Basically, this is skipping the chance to save your details for next time.
Do you think as many people would choose the bottom right option if it - more accurately - looked like this?
Here's our tip. The Smart Checkout eliminates this registration page entirely. The first time the issue of anonymity is raised is right at the very end of the checkout when the shopper is asked, very simply 'would you like to create a password and store your details for next time?' Smart Checkout is available for all stores from v8.0 upwards and is included free in a number of different bundles. Read more reasons to lose the registration page here.