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Manage Admin Users

The software comes preloaded with one default administrator account:

Email: admin@aspdotnetstorefront.com
Password: Admin$11

Store administrators are recommended to change those credentials as soon as possible, to valid email addresses and personalized passwords. In many cases, it will also be necessary to create/remove additional admin accounts.

Adding an Admin Account

  1. Admin accounts are basically customer accounts that have been promoted to have special access. If the account you want to use as a new admin has not already been created, do so first. This can be done by registering an account through the front end exactly as a customer work, or by creating the account through the admin console at Contacts > Create Contact.

  2. Once the account is created, look it up in the admin console under Contacts > Manage Contacts. Click the Name to edit the contact.

  3. At the bottom of the Edit Contact page, within the Tools section, click either the Set Admin or Set Super Admin button to promote the customer to an admin account. Super admins have access to do everything in the admin site. Regular admin accounts are restricted from changing certain Settings and from promoting/demoting other admin users.
  • The regular Admin limitations are:

    CANNOT access:
    - Configuration - Settings that are "super admin only"
    - Security Log
    - Change Encrypt Key
    - Run SQL
    - Setup Email
    - Site Setup Wizard / Payment Methods
    - Setting user permissions

  • Also when storing credit card numbers (StoreCCInDB TRUE) the regular Admin can be set to allow or disallow viewing credit card numbers

Removing an Admin Account

To demote an admin account back to a regular customer account, look up the account in the admin console under Contacts > Manage Contacts and click the Set Standard User button.

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