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Manually Reset Admin Password

In the event that you lose your super admin user password and are unable to recover it via email, the password can be manually reset in the database.

Using these methods to reset passwords may violate VISA PA-DSS guidelines, and should only be used if there is no other alternative. On sites with properly configured Email settings, admins may recover a lost password simply by using the Forgot Your Password function on the admin signin page.
If you are getting looped back to the admin signin page with no error, refer to this article.

Always ensure that you have a recent backup of the database before making any adhoc changes. Enlist the assistance of your website server host if necessary.

Procedure - Option 1

It is strongly recommended to setup more than one Super Admin account for a store, so you have a quick backup if you lose access to the admin.

  1. Access the storefront anonymously and create a new customer account using information you have access to.

  2. Connect to your database using SQL Server Management Studio, Enterprise Manager, or your web-based query tool. Enlist the assistance of your website server host if necessary.

  3. In a new query window, issue the following SQL statement:
    UPDATE Customer
    SET IsAdmin='3'
    WHERE Email='your new super admin email address here'
  4. Access the admin console using the newly created super admin account.

  5. Access the previous super admin account in the Contacts >  Manage Contacts page, and edit the access as needed.

Procedure - Option 2

  1. Connect to your database using SQL Server Management Studio, Enterprise Manager, or your web-based query tool. Enlist the assistance of your website server host if necessary.

  2. In a new query window, issue the following SQL statement:

    UPDATE [Customer]
         SET [Password] = 'your new password here',
               [SaltKey] = -1,
               [LockedUntil] = DateAdd(mi, -1, GetDate()),
               [BadLoginCount] = 0,
               [PwdChangeRequired] = 0,
               [PwdChanged] = GetDate()
         WHERE Email='your admin email address here'
  3. Execute the query.  It should return: (1 row(s) affected)    

  4. In order for the password to be usable, it must be re-encrypted.  Do this by forcing the site to restart, either through IIS or by "touching" the web.config file.

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