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Manage Affiliates

Affiliates are 3rd parties who refer customers to your site. The eRatex software can track those referrals so that store admins can determine what commission to pay them. Once a customer is assigned an affiliate ID (see below for how that can be done), every order they place is also tagged with that ID. You can create Affiliate accounts manually through the admin (instructions below).

NOTE: eRatex does not do any type of commission calculation, it only tracks and reports on affiliate referrals.

Manually add a new Affiliate

To add a new affiliate, navigate to Marketing > Manage Affiliates in the admin console. Click Add New and complete the form fields. When finished, click Save.

Assigning an Affiliate ID to a Customer

Customers can be assigned to an affiliate in 2 ways: 

Through the Admin Site 

To manually assign a customer to an affiliate, go to Contacts > Manage Contacts in the admin console, find their account, then click on the customer's Name to edit.

Within the customer's account details, choose the desired affiliate from the dropdown menu, then click Save to update the account.



Via Querystring 

Customers can also be assigned to an affiliate through the use of a query string, which is the preferred way to do it. That will ensure that customers are automatically assigned an affiliate ID when appropriate, to ensure that all orders are correctly tracked. 

To do this, the URL that an affiliate uses to refer customers to your site needs to be in this format:

http:/ (for Legacy Only UrlMode Global Config)

http:/ (for Modern Only and Modern with Legacy 301 Redirects UrlMode Global Config)

Replace the '#####' with the affiliate ID. To find the ID, simply look up the affiliate under Marketing > Manage Affiliates in the admin console, and look at the number to the left of their name.


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