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Custom Data Configuration

eRATEX provides the ability to collect custom data. You can have up to three fields to collect custom data, and that data can be required or optional. The data can be collected on a customer's account page, during checkout, or both. If a customer enters custom data and places an order, the custom data displays on the order in Orders > Manage Orders.


Buttons and Options

​Custom Data


 Fields and Settings
Show  Enable this to show Custom Data field(s)
Required  Enable this to require the customer to enter something in Custom Data field(s)
Max Length
 Maximum number of characters that can be entered for Custom Data field(s). Leave blank or set to 0 to allow any number of characters
Format  Regular expression used to validate the format of the value entered in Custom Data field(s). Leave blank to disable format validation
Label  The label for the field that displays in the eRATEX store
Admin Label
The label for the field that displays in eRATEX Admin
Invalid Format Message
The message that displays when a customer enters text into the field that does not match the Format specification
Required Message
Message that displays if the customer does not enter valid data in a required field


 Fields and Settings
Show Yes/No Prompt
 Enable this to show a Yes/No option so the customer can select whether the Custom Data form applies to them.
Yes/No Prompt Text
Label for the Yes/No prompt
Show on Account Pages
Title Text
Show during Checkout
 Enable this to show the CustomData form during checkout, either on the checkout payment.aspx page, or on the checkout1.aspx page, if One Page Checkout is enabled.
Admin Title Text
Only Show for Carts with
If Show during Checkout is enabled, this setting can be used to only show the Custom Data elements if the customer has products of the selected VR Product Types (GM, TR, TX) in their cart. If no VR Product Types are selected, it is the same as if all VR Product Types were selected. (?)
Validation Error Text
The message that displays when a customer enters text into the field that does not match the Format specification
Set Customer Level
Set this to a valid Customer Level ID to assign to the customer if they enter a value for any custom data field. If the selected customer level includes a discount, it is recommended that you validate the custom data. Set to 0 to disable this. (?)





Fields and Settings
File Path
   Location of the file to import
File is Delimited
  Select this if the fields in the file are delimited by a punctuation mark or special character
Column Delimiter
  Type the column delimiter. For example, if you are importing a CSV file, type , (comma)
Ignore First Row
  Select this if the first row of the file you are importing contains headers
Column Name
Import File Position


Auto-Run Settings

 Setting  Description
Enabled   Select this to  enable auto-import of custom data files
Daily Auto-Run Time
  Select the time the auto-import runs (daily)


Related Parameters


Parameter Description
RATEX.CustomData.1.Format Regular expression used to validate the format of the value entered in Custom Data field 1. Leave blank to disable format validation.
RATEX.CustomData.1.MaxCharacters Maximum number of characters that can be entered for Custom Data field 1. Leave blank or set to 0 to allow any number of characters.
RATEX.CustomData.1.Required Enable this to require the customer to enter something in Custom Data field 1.
RATEX.CustomData.1.Show Enable this to show Custom Data field 1.
RATEX.CustomData.2.Format Regular expression used to validate the format of the value entered in Custom Data field 2. Leave blank to disable format validation.
RATEX.CustomData.2.MaxCharacters Maximum number of characters that can be entered for Custom Data field 2. Leave blank or set to 0 to allow any number of characters.
RATEX.CustomData.2.Required Enable this to require the customer to enter something in Custom Data field 2.
RATEX.CustomData.2.Show Enable this to show Custom Data field 2.
RATEX.CustomData.3.Format Regular expression used to validate the format of the value entered in Custom Data field 3. Leave blank to disable format validation.
RATEX.CustomData.3.MaxCharacters Maximum number of characters that can be entered for Custom Data field 3. Leave blank or set to 0 to allow any number of characters.
RATEX.CustomData.3.Required Enable this to require the customer to enter something in Custom Data field 3.
RATEX.CustomData.3.Show Enable this to show Custom Data field 3.
RATEX.CustomData.CustomerLevel Set this to a valid Customer Level ID to assign to the customer if they enter a value for any custom data field. If the selected customer level includes a discount, it is recommended that you validate the custom data. Set to 0 to disable this.
RATEX.CustomData.EnableOnAccountPage Enable this to show the CustomData form on the account pages, including account.aspx and createaccount.aspx.
RATEX.CustomData.EnableOnCheckoutPage Enable this to show the CustomData form during checkout, either on the checkoutpayment.aspx page, or on the checkout1.aspx page, if One Page Checkout is enabled.
RATEX.CustomData.ShowForCartProductTypes If RATEX.CustomData.EnableOnCheckoutPage is enabled, this setting can be used to only show the Custom Data elements if the customer has products of the selected VR Product Types in their cart. If no VR Product Types are selected, it is the same as if all VR Product Types were selected.
RATEX.CustomData.ShowYesNoPrompt Enable this to show a Yes/No option so the customer can select whether the CustomData form applies to them.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.AutoRun.Enabled Enable this to have the Custom Data Validation Import process run automatically every day at the time specified in the RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.AutoRun.Time AppConfig
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.AutoRun.Time Set this to the integer hour (Eastern Time) that the Custom Data Validation Import Auto Run process should run every day.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnDelimiter Characters used to define the delimiter between columns in the import file. For tab-delimited files, use \t as the delimiter.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.CustomData1 Length of the CustomData1 field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.CustomData2 Length of the CustomData2 field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.CustomData3 Length of the CustomData3 field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.Email Length of the Email field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.FirstName Length of the FirstName field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnLength.LastName Length of the LastName field in the fixed-width input file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.CustomData1 Column number in the input file of the column that represents the CustomData1 field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.CustomData2 Column number in the input file of the column that represents the CustomData2 field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.CustomData3 Column number in the input file of the column that represents the CustomData3 field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.Email Column number in the input file of the column that represents the Email field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.FirstName Column number in the input file of the column that represents the FirstName field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnNumber.LastName Column number in the input file of the column that represents the LastName field. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first column, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.CustomData1 Position in the fixed-width input file where the CustomData1 field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.CustomData2 Position in the fixed-width input file where the CustomData2 field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.CustomData3 Position in the fixed-width input file where the CustomData3 field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.Email Position in the fixed-width input file where the Email field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.FirstName Position in the fixed-width input file where the FirstName field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnStartIndex.LastName Position in the fixed-width input file where the LastName field begins. This value is 0-based, so use 0 for the first position, 1 for the second, etc.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ImportFilePath Path to the Custom Data Validation import file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.IsDelimited Enable this to indicate that the Custom Data Validation Import file is a delimited file, and specify a delimiter in the RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.ColumnDelimiter AppConfig. If the file is fixed-width, disable this and set the column specification AppConfigs.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.SkipFirstRow Enable this to skip the first row of the import. This may be used because the import file has column headers in the first row, or some other header.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.CustomData1 Enable this to validate the data entered for Custom Data field 1. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.CustomData2 Enable this to validate the data entered for Custom Data field 2. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.CustomData3 Enable this to validate the data entered for Custom Data field 3. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.Email Enable this to validate the customer's Email along with other custom data fields. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.FirstName Enable this to validate the customer's FirstName along with other custom data fields. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.
RATEX.CustomData.ValidationImport.Validate.LastName Enable this to validate the customer's LastName along with other custom data fields. The data will be validated against the imported validation file.

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