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Bulk Prices & Inventory

From the Products Menu, click Prices & Inventory.

On this page, store administrators can edit VARIANT names, prices, sale prices, inventory levels, and published status (variants only) in bulk, rather than editing individual products one at a time. For products with multiple variants, each variant will be displayed individually, so all variants can be modified at once. There is also a powerful filter which helps store administrators to easily select the variants they need to edit.

  1. Use the Filter section at the top of the page to search for a list of products to edit. Click Apply Filter to apply the filters to the results grid below.

  2. To edit values, simply enter the desired values in the fields on the results grid, and click the Save button when finished.

  3. You can also use the Bulk Set Prices feature to apply a discount % to the filtered group of products. Enter a discount % in the Set Sales Discount field, and click Bulk Set Prices. Sale Price values will be populated with the discounted Price.

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