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Booklist Config

This page is for configuring the display and behavior of the Courselist Builder and related pages.


Here you setup Booklist Personalization as well. Booklist personalization is automatically populating student booklist pages with the courses the student is enrolled in. If your school supports importing student schedules, either through authentication or through file import, in Enable Booklist Personalization, select Yes. Then, select the appropriate Booklist Personalization Type. Options include:

  • Student Schedule Import: This enables student schedule file import, configured in eRATEX > Advanced > Student Schedule File Import.
  • Student Authentication: Selecting this requires the student to authenticate before adding classes to their booklist
  • Schedule Import With Student Authentication: Selecting this requires authentication before importing the student's personalized booklist


Hover over the help icon () to display information about the configuration parameter each setting controls. These descriptions are also located in the tables below.

Use your browser's search functionality (usually Ctrl+F) to find information about the specific parameter or setting you want to know more about.


The Setting column in the table below is the setting on this page. The next column is the associated parameter, if applicable.


Setting Parameter Name Description
Textbook Inventory Handling
Controls selling behavior of textbooks based on inventory
Display Out of Stock Message RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOutOfStockMessage Set to true to display a message if a variant is out of stock.
Out of Stock Message RATEX.Booklist.OutOfStockMessageText The message to be displayed if a variant is out of stock.
Display Expected Date RATEX.Booklist.DisplayExpectedDate Display the expected date of the next shipment for an out of stock variant if it is available.
Disable New Textbook Purchase RATEX.Booklist.DisableNewTextbookPurchase Enable this to prevent New textbook purchases when a Used variant is available.
Show Product Detail Overlay RATEX.Booklist.ShowProductDetailOverlay Enable to show product details as overlay when the customer hovers over the product summery. Disable to show product details, including cover image, on the booklist page itself, not in an overlay.
Show ISBN RATEX.Booklist.ShowISBN Set to true to display the product ISBN in the booklist page.
Show Author RATEX.Booklist.ShowAuthor Set to true to display the product summary (textbook Author) in the booklist page.
Show Description RATEX.Booklist.ShowDescription Set to true to display the product description in the booklist page.
Maximum Description Length RATEX.Booklist.MaximumDescriptionLength Maximum length of the description shown on the booklist page. Any description longer than this will be truncated and a link will be provided to view the full product details page. If set to 0, the default value of 200 will be used.
Show Publisher RATEX.Booklist.ShowPublisher Set to true to display the textbook publisher in the booklist page. Also applies to the textbook detail page.
Show Volume RATEX.Booklist.ShowVolume Set to true to display the textbook volume in the booklist page. Also applies to the textbook detail page.
Show Edition RATEX.Booklist.ShowEdition Set to true to display the textbook edition in the booklist page. Also applies to the textbook detail page.
Show Copyright RATEX.Booklist.ShowCopyright Set to true to display the textbook copyright in the booklist page. Also applies to the textbook detail page.
Show Course Comments RATEX.Booklist.ShowCourseComments Enable this to display the course comments on the booklist page.
Hide Global Substitution Popup RATEX.Booklist.PreventPopup Set to true to prevent the Substitution options popup from displaying automatically.
Substitution Behavior
Set to always substitute, never substitute, or allow the customer to select whether or not to substitute textbooks
Rental Substitution Behavior
Set to always substitute, never substitute, or allow the customer to select whether or not to substitute rentals
Restrict Textbook Purchases to Booklist RATEX.Booklist.RestrictTextbookPurchases Enable this to only allow textbooks to be purchased using the booklist. The textbook detail page will still be available to display the full product description, but will not show the Add to Cart form.
Restrict to Single Campus RATEX.Booklist.SingleCampus Enable this to restrict course selection and textbook purchases to a single campus. This is useful if you are doing campus-specific shipping methods.
Allow Multiple Terms RATEX.Booklist.MultipleTermsAllowed If true, the booklist page can display books from multiple terms
Course Sort Method
Sort courses alphabetically, or numerically
Section Sort Method
Sort sections alphabetically, or numerically
Sort Products By
Sort products by name, author, or ISBN
Display-Only Term Message RATEX.Booklist.TermDisplayMessage The message to display for terms that have "Display Only" status. If blank, no message will display.
All Section Name RATEX.Booklist.AllSectionName Name of the section that represents all sections for a course. Typically this is "ALL", but can be set to any value that may be used. Set to blank to indicate that this is not used.
Hide Enrollments with All Section RATEX.Booklist.HideEnrollmentsWithAllSection Enable this parameter to hide sections that have no materials if there is also an All section specified for the same course.
Automatically Add All Section RATEX.Booklist.AutoAddAllSection Enable this parameter to automatically add the All section for a course to the customer's course list if they select a section that isn't the All section.
Enable Booklist Personalization RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.Enabled Set to true to enable the Booklist Personalization feature. Specify the type of personalization to use in the RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.Type AppConfig.
Booklist Personalization Type RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.Type The type of booklist personalization to use. This also controls the type of personalization to use with textbook pre-orders, if pre-order personalization is enabled.
Custom Redirect URL RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.CustomRedirectURL Normally the booklist personalization would redirect to the booklist.aspx. If you want to override this behavior to redirect to a different location, enter a URL. You can use the following string replacements: {CatalogIDList} will be replaced with a comma-separated list of Catalog IDs, and {TermName} will be replaced with the name of the term selected by the student.
Clear Course List on Error RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.ClearCourseListOnError If courses for the student are not found, enable this to clear any previously selected courses.
Enable Course List Encryption RATEX.Booklist.EncryptedCourseList.Enabled Enable this option to indicate that course list query string parameters will need to be decrypted before they can be used.
Set Display Order for Textbooks
Order how textbook types display (New, Used, New Rental, Used Rental, eBook)
Enable Affiliate Rentals RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.Enabled Set to true to enable affiliate rental options in the booklist.
Show "No Rentals" Message RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.ShowNoRentalsMessage Set to true to show a message when there are no rental options available from the rental affiliate. The message displayed is stored in the "affiliaterental.norentals" String Resource.
Override Out Of Stock Rental RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.OverrideOutOfStockRental If enabled, and the in-store rental is Out of Stock, the in-store rental will be hidden in favor of displaying the Affiliate Rental option.
Affiliate Rentals Popup Width RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.PopupWidth Width of the Affiliate Rental options popup window, in pixels.
Affiliate Rentals Popup Height RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.PopupHeight Height of the Affiliate Rental options popup window, in pixels.
Affiliate Rental Provider
Configure a rental provider
Enable Course List Encryption

Encrypted Course List Algorithm RATEX.Booklist.EncryptedCourseList.Algorithm Specifies which algorithm is used to decrypt an encrypted course list query string parameter.
Encrypted Course List Data RATEX.Booklist.EncryptedCourseList.Data Specifies the data used to decrypt an encrypted course list query string parameter. If you are using the XMLPackage method, this should be set to the name of the XML Package.


Related Parameters:

Parameter Name Description
RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.Follett.APIUrl URL for the Follett API. {0} will be replaced with the ISBN for a textbook. Usually this is based on your bookstore's SKYO URL, so an example would be:{0}.xml
RATEX.Booklist.AffiliateRental.Follett.CartUrl URL for the Follett Shopping Cart. Usually this is based on your bookstore's SKYO URL, so an example would be:
RATEX.Booklist.CourseListBuilder.Enabled In most cases, this should be enabled to allow students to use the Course List Builder page to select their courses. If it is disabled, you will need to use the Booklist Personalization feature to allow students to use the Booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.CourseSort Defines how to sort courses in the booklist pages. Possible values are alpha, which will sort courses as-is, and numeric, which will strip all non-numeric characters from the course code and sort the results as numbers.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOnlyStoreList Comma-separated list of VR store numbers whose courses should be shown as Display Only on the Booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOrder.EBook The DisplayOrder to use for eBooks in the booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOrder.New The DisplayOrder to use for New textbooks in the booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOrder.RentalNew The DisplayOrder to use for New Rental textbooks in the booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOrder.RentalUsed The DisplayOrder to use for Used Rental textbooks in the booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.DisplayOrder.Used The DisplayOrder to use for Used textbooks in the booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.EnforceStudentEmail Set to true to force the student to login using the email address specified by the StudentID parameter passed to booklist.aspx, and appended with the domain specified in RATEX.Booklist.StudentEmailDomain.
RATEX.Booklist.HeaderText Text to display at the top of the booklist page
RATEX.Booklist.HideNewRentals Hide NEW RENTAL variant on Booklist.aspx and product page.
RATEX.Booklist.IgnoreInventory Set to 1 to always display and always sell textbooks, regardless of inventory. Set to 2 to only display and sell textbooks if there is adequate inventory. Set to 3 to always display textbooks but only sell if there is adequate inventory. Set to 4 to only display the textbooks, regardless of inventory, but never sell.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.CampusOverride VR Campus Code to use for personalized courses, regardless of the value returned in the course attribute. This is also useful if the course attribute does not include the campus.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.CourseFormat Regular expression to match course listings returned in the authentication response. Use named groups with the following syntax: (?...) The following names can be used: catalogid (Unique Course Identifier, or CID), uterm (University Term Code), term (VR Term Code), ucampus (University Campus Code), campus (VR Campus Code), dept (Department), course, and section.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.CourseListAttributeName The name of the attribute sent with the authentication response that contains the list of courses the student is taking. If specified, this must exactly match the name or friendly name of an attribute returned in the authentication response, and is case-sensitive.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.FirstNameAttributeName The name of the attribute sent with the authentication response that contains the student's First Name. The First Name will display on the Booklist.aspx page. If the response is empty (and LastNameAttributeName is also empty), the first and last name from the student's eRATEX account will display on the Booklist.aspx page.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.LastNameAttributeName The name of the attribute sent with the authentication response that contains the student's Last Name. The Last Name will display on the Booklist.aspx page. If the response is empty (and FirstNameAttributeName is also empty), the first and last name from the student's eRATEX account will display on the Booklist.aspx page.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.RequireReauthentication Enable this to require the student to re-authenticate every time they want to get their course list.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.StudentIDAttributeName The name of the attribute sent with the authentication response that contains the Student ID. This will be used when the personalization type is Schedule Import with Student Authentication.
RATEX.Booklist.Personalization.StudentAuthentication.TermOverride VR Term Code to use for personalized courses, regardless of the value returned in the course attribute. This is also useful if the course attribute does not include the term.
RATEX.Booklist.ProductSort Set the sorting option for products displayed in the Booklist.
RATEX.Booklist.SectionSort Defines how to sort sections in the booklist pages. Possible values are alpha, which will sort sections as-is, and alphanumeric, which will sort numeric sections numerically, then all other sections alphabetically.
RATEX.Booklist.ShowStudentID Show Student ID from authentication response on Booklist.aspx page.
RATEX.Booklist.StudentEmailDomain Domain added to the StudentID parameter if passed to booklist.aspx and RATEX.Booklist.EnforceStudentEmail is set to true. Don't include the @ symbol. Example:
RATEX.Booklist.SubstitutionOverride Set to 1 to allow the customer to choose if they want to substitute textbooks. Set to 2 to always substitute. Set to 3 to never substitute.

Course Requirement Choices

Integer Choices, AKA "Choose X of Y to meet requirements"

Using integers in the choice field allows you to require that students choose X or more from a group of required titles.

The example in the screen shot below has five required titles and students would be able to choose any three to meet the booklist requirement.



Making Requirements Clearer:

You can see in the VR screen shot above that we’ve added an explanatory course comment that displays on the courselist to help students determine what they need to purchase. Here is how this looks on the courselist page with the comment:




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