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    Xml Packages

    Built-In XML Display Packages

    The cart comes with a set of built-in xml display packages for the Product and Product Group (entities) displays.


    NOTE: You can see these options in action on our "SuperStore" using the right side menus.

    Product Layouts (admin display name = file name):

    Simple Product = product.SimpleProduct.xml.config

    Simple Product with a Large Image = product.SimpleProductLargeImage.xml.config

    Variants in Dropdown with a Tabbed Layout = product.TabbedUI.xml.config

    Variants in a Dropdown = product.VariantsInDropDown.xml.config

    Variants in a Grid = product.VariantsInGrid.xml.config

    Variants in a Right Column - produst.VariantsInRightBar.xml.config

    Responsive Variants in a List = product.variants-in-list.xml.config (RENAMED product.VariantsInList.xml.config as of 10.0.23)

    Responsive Variants In A Dropdown = product.tabbed-responsive.xml.config (REMOVED as of 10.0.23)

    Advanced Product Image Display = product.AdvancedImageViewer.xml.config

    Entity Layouts (admin display name = file name):

    Products In a Grid = entity.grid.xml.config

    Product In a Grid with Prices = entity.gridwithprices.xml.config

    Sub-Entities In A List (No Products) = entity.rootlevel.xml.config

    Products In A List = entity.simpleproductlist.xml.config

    Products In An Order Form = entity.tableorderform.xml.config

    Responsive Grid with Products = entity.responsivegrid.xml.config (REMOVED as of 10.0.23)

    Guided Navigation Grid = entity.guidednavigationgrid.xml.config

    NOTE: The site will first look in the skin specific folder for the xml package, then if not found, will refer to the {root}/XmlPackages folder. This is good to keep in mind in case changes to a package are not affecting the output, as you may have xml packages of the same filename in different locations.

    Starting in version 10.0.23, we have updated all product layouts ( Xml Packages ) to reflect recent changes in schema.org markup (structured data - this is helpful for Search Engine Optimization). We've also created some new options to toggle the display of SKU, SKUSuffix, and Manufacturer Part #.

    Product Groups or Entity (category, manufacturer, section/department) pages are also updated to provide some options to change the display and organization of sub-categories / sub-departments.


    Entity Pages:

    There are two settings available, which are used on three entity layouts: 

    • Products In A List ( entity.simpleproductlist.xml.config )
    • Products In A Grid ( entity.grid.xml.config )
    • Products In A Grid With Prices ( entity.gridwithprices.xml.config )


    You can find the settings in your admin console under the Configuration > Settings menu.


    NOTE: After making changes to settings in your store, click the Refresh Store link in the top right to force the changes into effect.

    • ShowSubCatsInGrid
      When this is set to Yes, entity pages will display sub-entities in a grid format:

      The same page on mobile devices looks like this:
      When this is set to No, sub-entities will be displayed in a bullet list:
    • ShowSubCategoryImages
      When this is set to Yes, entity pages will display images for each sub-category. NOTE: ShowSubCatsInGrid must also be set to yes for this setting to be observed.


    Product Pages: 

    SKU & MPN display can be toggled on / off for all product layouts with the following settings: 


    • ProductSkuDisplay
    • VariantSkuDisplay
    • ShowManufacturerPartNumberOnProductPage


    Each layout's use of these settings differs. For example, some layouts only support simple, single variant products, so the VariantSkuDisplay setting isn't taken into account, while others support more complex products, so both settings are used.


    Reference the lists below to see how the settings are used for each layout: 


    Uses ProductSkuDisplay only:

    • Simple Product ( product.simpleproduct.xml.config )

    • Simple Product With Large Image ( product.simpleproductlargeimage.xml.config )


    Uses VariantSkuDisplay only:

    • Variants In DropDown With Tabbed Layout ( product.tabbedui.xml.config )
    • Variants In Dropdown ( product.variantsindropdown.xml.config )
    • Advanced Product Image Display ( product.advancedimageviewer.xml.config )

    Uses ProductSkuDisplay & VariantSkuDisplay:

    • Variants In Right Column ( product.variantsinrightcolumn.xml.config )
    • Variants In Grid ( product.variantsingrid.xml.config )
    • Variants In List ( product.variantsinlist.xml.config )


    The options for ProductSkuDisplay & VariantSkuDisplay allow you to: 

    • None: Hide the SKU (don't show anything)
    • FullSKU: Display the full product SKU ( Product SKU + ProductVariant SKUSuffix )
    • SKU: Only show the product SKU ( Product SKU )
    • SKUSuffix: Only show the variant SKUSuffix ( ProductVariant SKUSuffix )


    Experiment with the different settings and click Refresh Store in your admin console as you make adjustments to see the different display options.


    NOTE: The ShowManufacturerPartNumberOnProductPage setting is 'global', meaning it will turn the MPN display on or off for all products, regardless of which layout is in use.




    If you're not seeing these updates on your store, you might be using a modified layout as the new settings only work with the updated Xml Packages included in the 10.0.23+ release. 


    Modified layouts (XmlPackages) are not automatically updated when we update your website with new releases. You can either merge the new code from the root /XmlPackages folder into your Skins XmlPackages folders (advanced users), or remove your modified layout from the Skins XmlPackage folder.


    You can remove your modified layout by logging in to your website's FTP account and navigating to your Skins/Skin_1/XmlPackages folder ("Skin_1" may vary depending on your store's configuration). Look for files like:  entity.*.xml.config, and product.*.xml.config, download them to your computer to make a quick backup, then delete them in your FTP client.

    XmlPackage Overview & Operation (development-level information)

    XmlPackages are a means by which developers can extend the functionality of the software without necessarily having to know asp.net and/or recompile the storefront. This allows a great deal of customization to the front-end of the software without having to purchase the source code. That said, a knowledge of XML, Xsl (Xslt), HTML, SQL, etc is required and customizations of this sort should only be attempted by experienced developers. There are many tutorials and good books on those technologies, so they are not discussed here, except where any unusual exceptions or requirements are imposed by the storefront. XML documents are CasE SEnSITivE!!! Also, Xmldocuments must have various attributes and element values properly “XML Encoded”. There is an XSD schema in the /XmlPackages folder to help you create properly structured packages. 

    AspDotNetStorefront support staff cannot assist with issues that arise from customization of XML Packages, so make sure you have a backup before making any changes! 

    How an XML Package works

    Conceptually, an XmlPackage is pretty simple. The XmlPackage takes an input data set (or SQL statement), combines it with system and customer parameters, and then produces output in either XML or HTML format. XmlPackages are named with the .xml.config extension (e.g. MyXmlPackage1.xml.config). They are named this way to prevent someone from “browsing” your XmlPackage file. 

    XmlPackages execute as follows: 

        1. Package is instantiated by Name (the filename, e.g. MyXmlPackage1.xml.config)
        2. Package reads .xml.config file (we use XML structure itself to define the specification of the XmlPackage, and we 
            add .config as an extension to prevent anyone from viewing your XmlPackages stored on your web site with a 
            browser, for additional security protection).
        3. Code adds additional run-time parameters to the XmlPackage
        4. Code adds additional system defined parameters to the XmlPackage
        5. DataSets are built from the SQL statements in the XmlPackage
        6. DataSets are converted into XmlDocument 
            fragments and combined with the system data (also XmlDocument fragments) to form the XML Data Document.
        7. XmlDocument is XSL “Transformed” into final XML or HTML 

    There are 2 types of XmlPackages, with 2 different purposes: 

    Internal Packages: These are used internally by AspDotNetStorefront to provide efficient access to nested “entity” (e.g. category, section, library, etc) and “object” (e.g. product, document) structures in the database. The storefront will NOT function if these XmlPackages are removed. 

    When used internally as a helper object, the XmlPackage typically produces an in-memory XmlDocument object, as a result of input SQL statements, and various customer, system, and user-defined parameters. Examples of these internal packages can be found by looking at files such as EntityHelper/EntityMgr.xml.config. 

    This manual does not describe in further detail how the XmlPackages are internally used by the storefront for managing entities. You can refer to the EntityHelper.cs, XmlPackage2.cs, and HierarchicalTableMgr.cs classes in the common project, and the ShowEntityPage.cs class in the storefront project. Various consumer pages of these objects include the SiteMap.cs classes, and pages like showproduct.aspx, showcategory.aspx, etc. 

    Display Rendering Packages: These XmlPackages allow generation of dynamic HTML output for product, entity and other pages. Developers can modify or add to the display packages that ship 'out of the box' in the XmlPackages folder. This type of XmlPackage outputs HTML to be rendered within a store page, typically rendering within the skin in the contents area.

    Next, we discuss how users can add new XmlPackages to the storefront WITHOUT recompiling any code in the storefront. This is important, as it allows developers to add custom page formats for their clients. For example, a particular store client may want their category pages to be displayed in a certain manner, which is not one of the formats provided with the software. The developer can author an XmlPackage (in a simple text editor like Notepad, if required), copy that XmlPackage to the server, and tell the storefront to use that XmlPackage to render the specified category via the admin site by setting the 'Page Display' setting on the category. 

    Installing an XML Package 

    XmlPackages are installed by placing them in the {root}/Skins/Skin_#/XmlPackages folder in the web site, if the package is intended to be skin specific. Otherwise, place them in the {root}/XmlPackages folder to be accessible to all skins. Also note that the {root}/Admin/XmlPackages contains the XmlPackages (typically Internal XmlPackages) that are needed by the Admin site to function properly. When your XmlPackage is ready for use, just copy (or FTP) the file into that directory. Then you can assign that XmlPackage to any product or entity in the storefront through the admin site by setting the '*Page Display:' attribute when editing the main tab of a product or entity. Note that the template name listed in the dropdown is not the actual xml package filename as in older versions, but reflects the 'displayname' attribute found in the xml package code itself. This can be changed as needed in any text editor.

    Invoking XML Packages by Themselves 

    The 'engine.aspx' page allows you to invoke any XML package specified in the query string, and have its contents rendered in the page contents area. Note that not all XML packages can be executed in this manner, as many XML packages DEPEND on system, page, or user information (e.g. query string categoryid= string, etc). However, much like topic pages produce standalone page output, XmlPackages can be used in the engine.aspx page to produce standalone XmlPackage driven page output. This basically extends the topic concept to a programmatic level, allowing developers to add dynamic data driven content pages to the storefront without ever touching the source code.

    To invoke an XML package this way, use ether:

        http://www.yoursite.com/x-nameofpackage.aspx (this will render just the content results)


        http://www.yoursite.com/xmlpackage/name.of.package (this will render it within the skin template, the preferred method)

    When executing XmlPackages in this way you may want to override the page title, keywords, description, etc. There are five elements that you can include in the package to set these values. They are included in the SearchEngine setting node and are named: SectionTitle, SETitle, SEKeywords, SEDescription, and SENoScript. Each of the elements can contain either an xpath statement that locates the element within the XML Data Document that contains the data or a XSLT stylesheet to transform multiple nodes in to one value to be placed in the output. The XPath statement must return only one node and the stylesheet should be designed to work with the full XML Data Document. 

    XML Package Structure

    XML Packages can contain: 

        1 - SQL Queries to be executed
        2 - Web Queries
        3 - Xsl transforms
        4 - Search Engine Setting definitions
        5 - Post Processing Queries
        6 - Set Cookie instructions 

    An XSD Schema (XmlPackages/xmlpackage.xsd) is provided to describe the structure of the package. You can use this schema to validate the structure of your package (this does not validate the logic or structure any of the XSLT stylesheets or SQL queries). 

    SQL Queries 

    The Query element is defined as: <query name=”Sections” rowElementName=”Section” runif=”paramname”> 

    The name attribute is used for the name of the child of the root element in the XML Data Document for this query. The rowElementName is the element name for each row returned by the query. Elements for each field are created using the exact spelling of the field or field alias in the query. Remember, all names are case sensitive. So, to reference the Name field from a query that has the above definition you would use the following path: /root/Sections/Section/Name. The runif attribute can be used to run the query under only certain circumstances. The value should be either a querystring/form/cookie param or a setting. If the specified querystring/form/cookie param or a setting doesn't exist or is an empty the query will not be executed. This could be used for a page where the query should not be run until the page is submitted with a form field. 

    Each query has a <sql> element that can contain any valid SQL statement. The SQL statements are executed in .NET using the SqlClient data provider and are executed as parameterized queries. 

    Query Parameters 

    There are two types of query parameters that can be defined: the queryparam element and querystringreplace element. 

    A queryparam element defines a parameter that is evaluated at SQL execution time and has the format @paramname. For each queryparam element there must be a @paramname variable in the SQL statement. (e.g. select * From product where productid = @productid). The queryparam element has the following attributes (all of which are required):

    * paramname – the name of the param as it is in the SQL statement.

    * paramtype – defines where the parameter value is obtained, valid values are request, appconfig, and runtime

    - request param values are retrieved from the Web request object (i.e. a Querystring, Form, Cookie value)

    - appconfig params are retrieved from the store's cached AppConfig table (Settings)

    - runtime params are retrieved from an internal runtime parameters table

    * requestparamname – this is the name of the request, AppConfig, or runtime field that is used for the value to be substituted in the query. It must match exactly or the item will not be found or it may find a different parameter altogether.

    * sqlDataType – defines the .Net SqlDataType for this parameter. The allowed types can be viewed in the XmlPackages/xmlpackage.xsd file.  They are defined in the element definition <xsd:simpleTypename="SqlDataType">.

    * defvalue – the default value to use in case the value is not found in the specified request, AppConfig, or runtime collection

    * validationpattern – a regular expression that can be used to filter the data so that invalid ranges of values are not sent to the query. 

    The second type of query parameter is the querystringreplace parameter. It is used to make the SQL string dynamic in terms of table names, field names, WHERE clause fields, and ORDER BY clause fields. It is not intended to be used for filtering parameters in the WHERE clause (for security reasons). This element has the following attributes (all of which are required):

    * replaceTag – a user defined string embedded in the SQL statement that will be replaced at run time.

    * replacetype - defines where the string replacement value is obtained. Valid values are request, AppConfig, and runtime and behave the same as those defined above in the queryparam element.

    * replaceparamname - this is the name of the request, AppConfig, or runtime field that is used for the value to be substituted for the replaceTag string in the query. It must match exactly or the item will not be found or it may find a different parameter altogether.

    * defvalue - the default value to use in case the value is not found in the specified request, AppConfig, or runtime collection

    * validationpattern – a regular expression that can be used to filter the data so that invalid ranges of values are not sent to the query. 

    Here is an example query element: 

      <query name="Entities" rowElementName="Entity"> 
          select Name,Description from {EntityName} with (NOLOCK) where {EntityName}ID=@EntityID 
      <querystringreplace replaceTag="{EntityName}" 
            validationpattern="(category)|(section)|(affiliate)|(manufacturer)|(distributor)|(library)" /> 
      <queryparam paramname="@EntityID" 
            validationpattern="" /> 

    It would produce a document fragment like this: 

          <Name>Test Entity1</Name> 
          <Description>Test Description</Description> 
          <Name>Test Entity2</Name> 
          <Description>Test Description</Description> 

    The query element can also contain an XSL transform element named querytransform. This element can contain an XSL transform that can be used to shape the output XML for this query differently than it comes from the database and before it is added to the final XML Data Document. It is optional but there can be no more than one transform for the query. The output of this transform must be a valid XML document fragment or the entire package will fail. 

    Web Queries 

    Web queries allow you to get data from an external data source via URL. The URL can return XML or text data (as specified by the RetType attribute). The name attribute is used for the node name in the XML Data Document under which all returned content is inserted. The url element contains the url of the web document (including any querystring parameters) to get the data from. The URL should be fully formed, e.g. http://www.somesite.com/xmldoc.aspx?param1=123. The querystring replace element is used much the same as in sql queries. It describes a tag in the URL string that can be replaced by some value from a request (querystring, form, cookie, or server) variable, a runtime variable or a setting. Finally, the query can contain an XSL transform. If a transform is specified, the returned data will be transformed and the results of the transform are added to the XML Data Document instead of the raw results from the URL. Transforms are only run when the RetType attribute is “xml”. Again you can refer to the schema for a more technical description of the webquery element. A RetType of text causes the return data to be put in a CDATA element unmodified from how it was received. 


      <webquery name=”WebData1” RetType=”xml”> 
        <querystringreplace replaceTag=”{param1}” replacetype=”request” 
          replaceparamname=”productid” defvalue=”0”

    System Defined DataSets 

    In addition to your defined SQL queries, the storefront automatically adds the following DataSets to the XML package before execution. This means that all of these datasets are available to your XSL Transform via intermediate XML Document. 

    System Data Set: 

        <CustomerLevelName /> 
        <CustomerFirstName /> 
        <CustomerLastName /> 
        <CustomerFullName />
        <CustomerRoles /> 
        <Time>1:28 AM</Time> 

    Runtime DataSet (a bit redundant with the runtime params, but still necessary and helpful sometimes in your XSL transform): 

        <CustomerLevelName />
        <Time>1:28 AM</Time>
        <CustomerFullName />
        <CustomerFirstName />
        <CustomerRoles />
        <CustomerLastName />

    QueryString data set (whatever was on page URL invocation): 


    Form Data Set (whatever was on page FORM post): 

      <Form /> 

    Session State (helpful with customer data and/or user defined session info): 


    Server Variables Info (not used too often, but may be required in some situations): 

        <HTTP_USER_AGENT>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR1.1.4322) 
        <AUTH_PASSWORD />

    These data sets are ALL available to your Xsl transform code, along with ALL the params you have defined, AND the runtime params added by the system. 

    XSL Transform 

    The output Package is obtained by applying an XSL transform to the resulting XmlDoc. The XmlDoc contains the SQL data, web data, and system data. This is done using the transform in the <PackageTransform> element. An XmlPackage doesn’t require any query elements to run but the PackageTransform is required and must contain a valid XSLT stylehseet. As stated previously The XmlPackage uses .NET extension objects to implement high level logic not available in normal XSL. For this to work it is required that a new namespace be added to the XSL stylesheet. The xsl:stylesheet element must have the attribute xmlns:aspdnsf="urn:aspdnsf" here’s the full stylesheet element:

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:XSL="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"xmlns:aspdnsf="urn:aspdnsf">

    Although not required it is a good idea to use an output element as well and set the method attribute to HTML. Here’s a sample:

    <xsl:output method="html" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />

    After that all you need to do is add templates to transform the XML DataDocument into html. 

    Search Engine Settings 

    In some instances you may want to control the page title, keywords meta tag, description meta tag, and SectionTitle sections. These items can be set by adding the SearchEngineSetting node to the package and including 1 or all of the following child nodes: SectionTitle, SETitle, SEKeywords, and SEDescription. Each node can contain either an XPath statement, an XSLT stylesheet, or static text and you must specify which type it contains in the node’s actionType attribute (either “xpath”, “transform”, or “text”). The XPath statement or the stylesheet is executed against the XML Data Document. If the node contains an XPath statement, it must return a single node (a nodeset will cause a runtime error). This is for when you just want to pick the value of one element from the XML Data Document. When a stylesheet is specified, you can combine as much information from the XML Data Document as you need. Here is an example of specifying some of the SE settings: 

        <SETitle actionType="transform">
          <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:XSL="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:aspdnsf= 
          <xsl:output method="html" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
          <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:value-of select="concat(/root/Sections/Section/SEName, ' - ',/root/Sections/Section/Description)" />
        <SEKeywords actionType="xpath">
        <SEDescription actionType="text">
          This is my static text to use for the search engine description meta tag

    When using a stylesheet you can use any of the extension functions described later in this article. Please refer to the schema (in the XmlPackages/xmlpackage.xsd file) for the full technical description of this node. 

    Post Processing 

    An XmlPackage can have post processing instructions. The post processing instructions include executing SQL queries (typically for insert or update), Web Queries, or setting cookie values. The actions take place after the XML DataDocument is created and before the transform is executed. So, after you have queried the database and/or retrieved data from the web you can execute commands to update your database, update your web data source, or set a user cookie value. 


    Queryafter elements are used to define SQL queries that are executed after the XML DataDocument is built. This elements operates much like the <query> element except that the <querystringreplace> and <queryparam> elements can draw their values from the XML DataDocument (using an xpath statment). Typically you would use this to update data in your database after you gathered the data for the package transform. The <queryafter> element also contains a runif element that can be used to prevent the query from running. The runif element tests for the existence of the value or element you specify and if it does not exist or if it exists and is empty then the query is not executed. 


          update customer set lastlogin = datetime where customerid = @custid 
        <queryparam paramname="@ custid " paramtype="xpath" requestparamname="/root/System/CustomerID" 
        sqlDataType="int" defvalue="0" 
        ::validationpattern="" /> 

    AspDotNetStorefront Xsl Extensions 

    XmlPackages produce either: 

        1 - XML Output
        2 - HTML Output 

    When producing XML Output, it is your job to ensure that resulting XML is what you intended and compliant with XML standards. When producing HTML output, you can pretty much spit out whatever you want from the package, as long as you know how it will be used, and that it will be valid for that use. However, when producing HTML you may need to create blocks of HTML code which are non-trivial (e.g. an add to cart form with validation for a product). Since these types of would be extremely difficult to generate via XSLT, the HTML output from the XmlPackage can use custom XSL extension functions. These functions implement high-level logic that is not possible in XSLT alone (e.g. checking to see if an image file exists on the server before displaying it). The functions are used in your packages like this: 

        <xsl:value-of select=”aspdnsf:functionname(arguments)” disable-ouput-escaping=”yes”> 

    The disable-output-escaping parameter is only required when the function’s output is not valid XML. Also, XSL is case sensitive, as are the function names. Also, note that all functions must be prefixed with "aspdnsf:". 

    These functions are defined in the XSLTExtensionBase class, and are listed below. 

    Debugging XML Packages

    If you set the Xml.DumpTransform Setting to Yes, the XmlPackage engine will write intermediate .xml files into the /image directory (they are put here because normally the site already has write permissions to that folder). The xml files will be appropriately-named based on the name of the XML package, and also intermediate stage files will be written out. 

    The above procedure will cause debug information for every package used on the page to be display. If you only want to debug a specific package you can add the debug=”true” attribute to the package element. This will cause debug information to be displayed on the page regardless of the setting the Xml.DumpTransform AppConfig. 

    To debug your XSL transforms, you can use your favorite XSL debug tool to take the intermediate .xml data file dumped out, and apply your transform directly to it. Also, Visual Studio 2005/2008 will debug transforms in-line. In order to do this you will need to put a break point in the XmlPackage2.TransformString method before the m_Transform.Transform method is called. When the code reaches your breakpoint, choose the File|Open menu item and open the transform file in the images folder, the file will be named fullpackagename_store.runtime.XSL (e.g. product.SimpleProduct.xml.config_store.runtime.XSL). After you have the file opened you can set breakpoints in the transform and view local variables (i.e. param or variable tags in the transform) as you step through the transform. Again you must turn on debugging for the package using the package element’s debug attribute (debug=”true”) or by setting the AppConfig parameter Xml.DumpTransform to true. 

    AspDotNetStorefront XSLT Functions

    These are the built-in XSLT functions included with the software and used in our XML Packages. These functions can be used in new/edited XML Packages without having source code access, however adding new functions would require purchase of the source code. 

      Description: Returns the “add to cart form” with javascript validation required to be able to let the site user add 
      this product to the cart. This can include sizes, colors, inventory checking logic, etc.
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, ColorChangeProductImage)" 

        Argument Name: sProductId 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sVariantID 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sColorChangeProductImage 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: If the product has color options will selecting a color from the drop down cause the product image 
        to change to the color selected. 

      Description: Returns the “add to cart form” with javascript validation required to be able to let the site user add 
      this product to the cart. This can include sizes, colors, inventory checking logic, etc.
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, ColorChangeProductImage, true)" 

        Argument Name: sProductId 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sVariantID 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sColorChangeProductImage 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: If the product has color options will selecting a color from the drop down cause the product image 
        to change to the color selected.

        Argument Name: sShowWishListButton
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: If true, the product page will show the 'Add to Wish List' button regardless of the ShowWishButtons store Setting.

      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, ColorChangeProductImage, 
      VariantStyleFlag)" disableoutput-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: sProductId 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sVariantID 
        Data Type: Integer 

        Argument Name: sColorChangeProductImage 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: If the product has color options will selecting a color from the drop down cause the product image 
        to change to the color selected. 

        Argument Name: sVariantStyleFlag 
        Data Type: 

      Description: Displays the AJAX Shipping Estimator tool on the product detail page.
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AjaxShippingEstimator(VariantID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: VariantID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: Variant to calculate the estimate on 

        Description: Returns the value of the specified AppConfig.
        Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AppConfig(AdminDir)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: AppConfigName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Name of the AppConfig to check 

      Description: Returns the value of the specified boolean Appconfig in lower case (i.e. “true’ or “false”).
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AppConfigBool(UseSSL)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: AppConfigName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Name of the AppConfig to check 

      Description: Returns shoppingcart.cs.90 + the current customer's subtotal.
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select=”aspdnsf:CartSubTotal()” disable-output-escaping=”yes”> 

      Description: Returns a page name for the specified Category page in the site, using static links if required (e.g.c-
      17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not be 
      used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:CategoryLink (CategoryID, SEName, IncludeATag, TagInnerText)" 

        Argument Name: CategoryID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: ID of the desired category 

        Argument Name: SEName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The SEName field from the db for this category, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but 
        that takes an extra database query 

        Argument Name: IncludeATag 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

        Argument Name: TagInnerText 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

      Description: Returns Payment Gateway cleaned (no spaces or weird chars, all uppercased)

        Argument Name: GW 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Gateway name 

      Description: Returns Payment Method cleaned (no spaces weird chars, all uppercased)

        Argument Name: PM 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Payment method name 

      Description: Returns Shipping Method cleaned (no spaces weird chars, all uppercased)

        Argument Name: SM 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Shipping method name 

      Description: Converts input into base 64 encoding

        Argument Name: Input 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Value to be converted 


        Argument Name: delimitedString 
        Data Type: string 

        Argument Name: delimiter 
        Data Type: string 

        Argument Name: rootname 
        Data Type: string 

        Argument Name: elementname 
        Data Type: string 

      Description: Returns the currently logged in customer id, or 0 if anon customer with no customer record yet
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select=”aspdnsf:CustomerID()” > 

      Description: returns: 

        if Date1 < Date2 => -1 
        if Date1 = Date2 => 0 
        if Date1 > Date2 -> 1 
        (if Date1 or Date2 is empty string, they will be set to "now") 


        Argument Name: Date1 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: First date 

        Argument Name: Date2 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Second date 

      Description: Decodes markup that might have been encoded during a conversion to XML
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:Decode()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

      Description: Returns the decrypted value of the data that was encrypted using the ASPDNSF Encrypt method
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:Decrypt(EncryptedData)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: EncryptedData 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The data you want decrypted 


        Argument Name: CardNumberCrypt 
        Data Type: String 

        Argument Name: OrderNumber 
        Data Type: String 


        Argument Name: AddressID 
        Data Type: 


        Argument Name: OrderOptions 
        Data Type: String 

        Argument Name: ViewInLocaleSetting 
        Data Type: String 

        Argument Name: UseFullPathToImages 
        Data Type: String 

      Description: Display 'out of stock' or 'in stock' message

        Argument Name: ProductID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: The product to check stock levels on 

        Argument Name: Pages 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Entity or Product 

      Description: Creates a link to the Distributor page.

        Argument Name: DistributorID 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: ID of the Distributor 

        Argument Name: SEName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The Search Engine name of the distributor 

        Argument Name: IncludeATag 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Flag to create an achor tag 

        Argument Name: TagInnerText 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The iStringnnertext of the anchor tag 

      Description: Returns link to that document page (with Library breadcrumb navigation), using static links if 
      required (e.g. p-1-test.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and 
      should not be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:DocumentandLibraryLink(DocumentID, SEName, LibraryID, IncludeATag, 
      TagInnerText)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

        Argument Name: DocumentID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: Document ID 

        Argument Name: SEName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Product SE name 

        Argument Name: LibraryID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: LibraryID that the document is assigned to 

        Argument Name: IncludeATag 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

        Argument Name: TagInnerText 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

      Description: Returns a link to the specified document page. NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with 
      Parser functions only and should not be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when 
      using the IncludeATag. 
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:DocumentLink(DocumentID, SEName, IncludeATag, TagInnerText)" 

        Argument Name: DocumentID 
        Data Type: Integer 
        Description: Document ID 

        Argument Name: SEName 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Product SE name 

        Argument Name: IncludeATag 
        Data Type: Boolean 
        Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

        Argument Name: TagInnerText 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

      Description: Returns shortened value of text with an ellipses (...) on the end. For example "This is one of our most 
      popular products" might be changed to "This is one of..."

        Argument Name: Content 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: Text to shorten 

        Argument Name: ReturnLength 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: How long the final return should be 

        Argument Name: BreakBetweenWords 
        Data Type: String 
        Description: (true/false) If this is set to true, the ellipses will be added at the end of a word before ReturnLength 
        if the ReturnLength would be in the middle of a word. For example the string "There is more information here" 
        would return "There is more..." even if the ReturnLength would have had it cut off at "There is more infor" 

      Description: Returns an a hyperlink to a page to where you can email the product page
      Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:EmailProductToFriend(ProductID, CategoryID)" disable-

        Argument Name: ProductID 
        Data Type: Integer


        Description: The productID to email a link to 

        Argument Name: CategoryID 
        Data Type: Integer


    Description: Not used by default 

    Description: Uses the Security.MungeString function to encrypt text

    Argument Name: String2Encrypt 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Text to encrypt 

    Description: Returns a link to the specified entity page. NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with 
      Parser functions only and should not be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using 
      the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:EntityLink(EntityID, SEName, EntityName, IncludeATag)"disable-output-

    Argument Name: EntityID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired entity 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this entity, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, 
        but that takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The name of the entity (“product”, “category”, “section”, etc.) 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 


    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: EntityID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: If the string = YES, TRUE, or 1, the software returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

    Argument Name: EvalString 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to evaluate 

    Description: Checks to see if the specified file exists and returns true/false

    Argument Name: FNOrUrl 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Relative URL or physical file path to check 

    Description: Returns the currency value formatted for the specified locale
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:FormatCurrency(CurrencyValue, LocaleSetting)" disable-

    Argument Name: CurrencyValue 
    Data Type: Decimal 
    Description: Amount to convert 

    Argument Name: LocaleSetting 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: User or server default locale setting 

    Description: Internal helper function only. 

    Description: Parses incoming date string DateString and reformats it to a new date string according to the 
      FormatString parameter

    Argument Name: StrDate 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SourceLocale 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: strFmt 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a localized, rounded decimal of the length specified.

    Argument Name: DecimalValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Original decimal value 

    Argument Name: intFixPlaces 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Number of places to round the decimal to 

    Description: Creates a link to the Genre page.

    Argument Name: GenreID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired genre 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this genre, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Argument Name: TagInnerText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 


    Argument Name: intProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: intQuantity 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: decProductPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: intTaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a localized price for the specified variant, based on the customer level of the current 

    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Variant to get the price of 

    Argument Name: Price 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Points 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Not used by default 

    Description: Returns the JS code that creates popups for various features on the site - order option tooltips, CCV 
      code image, etc.


    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ThisGroupID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: GroupIsRequired 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: GroupName 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: GroupDescription 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: KitGroupTypeID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: HidePriceUntilCart 
    Data Type: String 


    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Price 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalePrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ExtendedPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: HidePriceUntilCart 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Colors 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShoppingCartRecID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: intTaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a localized version of the supplied date without the time

    Argument Name: DateTimeString 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Full string to shorten 


    Argument Name: MLContent 
    Data Type: XPathNodeIterator 

    Argument Name: Locale 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: XMLEncodeOutput 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a shortened (non-localized) version of the supplied date without the time

    Argument Name: DateTimeString 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Full string to shorten 


    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Price 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalePrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ExtendedPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: HidePriceUntilCart 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Colors 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShoppingCartRecID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: intTaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a list of news items in an option frame
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:GetNewsBoxExpanded(ShowCopy, ShowNum, IncludeFrame, Teaser)"disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ShowCopy 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Shows the entire content of the article 

    Argument Name: ShowNum 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: The number of news items to show 

    Argument Name: IncludeFrame 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Create a frame around the list of specials, 1 = yes, 0 = no 

    Argument Name: Optional string rendered at the top of the list (inside the frame if it exists) 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Teaser 


    Argument Name: Last4 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: CardType 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: CardExpirationMonth 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: CardExpirationYear 
    Data Type: String 


    Argument Name: PackID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: PresetProducts 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: NumItemsInPack 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SourceEntityID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SourceEntityName 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: CartRecID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShoppingCartRecID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Deprecated. Please use GetVariantPrice instead. 

    Argument Name: 
    Data Type: 

    Description: Returns the name of the specified pack plus the value of the 'dyop.aspx.12' string (if the pack name 
      does not already end in that text).

    Argument Name: PackName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Name of the desired pack 


    Argument Name: PollID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Large 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Category 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Section 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns the quantity discount table ID the specified product uses (if any)

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to check for a quantity discount table on 

    Description: Creates an image displaying 0-5 stars (and fractions of them) based on the rating value supplied.

    Argument Name: Rating 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Rating value to create an image for. 0.00 - 5.0 

    Description: Returns the content of CSS file based on skin ID

    Argument Name: SkinID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: SkinID to lookup the CSS for 


    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a formatted list of randomly selected items marked as being on special in the specified 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:GetSpecialsBoxExpandedRandom(CategoryID, ShowPics, IncludeFrame, 
      Teaser)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: CategoryID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: Category containing the products to display 

    Argument Name: ShowPics 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: 1 = Show product pictures, 0 = don’t show pictures 

    Argument Name: IncludeFrame 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Create a frame around the list of specials, 1 = yes, 0 = no 

    Argument Name: Teaser 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Optional string rendered at the top of the list (inside the frame if it exists) 

    Description: Returns a formatted list of randomly selected items marked as being on special in the specified 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:GetSpecialsBoxExpandedRandom(CategoryID, ShowPics, IncludeFrame, 
      Teaser)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: CategoryID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: Category containing the products to display 

    Argument Name: ShowPics 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: 1 = Show product pictures, 0 = don’t show pictures 

    Argument Name: IncludeFrame 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Create a frame around the list of specials, 1 = yes, 0 = no 

    Argument Name: Teaser 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Optional string rendered at the top of the list (inside the frame if it exists) 


    Argument Name: StringToSplit 
    Data Type: 

    Argument Name: SplitChar 
    Data Type: 

    Argument Name: intReturnIndex 
    Data Type: 

    Description: Returns the full URL of the store.

    Argument Name: TryToUseSSL 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: If true, the software will use https instead of http. 

    Description: Deprecated, use StringResource instead. 


    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: HidePriceUntilCart 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Price 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalePrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ExtPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Points 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalesPromptName 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShowPriceLabel 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: TaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: decUpSelldiscountPct 
    Data Type: String 


    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: HidePriceUntilCart 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Price 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalePrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ExtPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Points 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SalesPromptName 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShowPriceLabel 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: TaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ChosenAttributesPriceDelta 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns a number in the format #####-#####-#####

    Description: Returns false if the specified image/entity does not have Zoomify images, and true if it does

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: EntityOrObjectName 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Displays a table with a header image and the contents of the 'helpbox' topic.

    Description: Strips HTML tags out of the supplied string

    Argument Name: HtmlContent 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to decode 

    Description: HTML-encodes the supplied string

    Argument Name: HtmlContent 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to encode 


    Argument Name: 
    Data Type: 

    Description: Returns the path (relative or full URL) to the specified image
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ImageUrl(ID, EntityOrObjectName, DesiredSize, FullUrl)" disable-

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: Product, Category, Section, or Manufacturer ID 

    Argument Name: EntityOrObjectName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: “Product”, “Category”, “Section”, or “Manufacturer” 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large 

    Argument Name: FullURL 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Determine whether the path is a relative path (e.g. images/product/icon/imgname.jpg) or a full URL 
        (e.g. http://www.mydomain.com/images/product/medium/myimage.jpg) 

    Description: Reports the index of the first occurrence of strFind within strSource

    Argument Name: strSource 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Complete string 

    Argument Name: strFind 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to find 

    Description: Returns true if the specified product is an email type gift card

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: Product to check gift card type of 

    Description: Returns true if the specified string is empty, false if it is not

    Argument Name: StringValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to check 

    Description: Returns a page name for the specified Library page in the site, using static links if required
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LibraryLink(LibraryID, SEName, IncludeATag, TagInnerText)" disableoutput-

    Argument Name: LibraryID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired category 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this library, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Argument Name: TagInnerText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

    Description: When given a relative path, returns the full URL to the specified image (localized if possible)

    Argument Name: ImgUrl 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Relative path to the desired image 

    Argument Name: Locale 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: given an input image string like /skins/skin_1/images/shoppingcart.gif, the software will try to resolve 
        it to the proper locale by:

          /skins/skin_1/images/shoppingcart.LocaleSetting.gif first
          /skins/skin_1/images/shoppingcart.WebConfigLocale.gif second
          /skins/skin_1/images/shoppingcart.gif last 

    Description: Returns a login link or a logout link depending the user's current login state
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LoginOutPrompt()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Description: Returns an <img> tag specifically for the specified entity.
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupEntityImage(ID, EntityName, DesiredSize, IncludeATag, AltText)" 

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: Category, Section, or Manufacturer ID 

    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: “Category,” “Section”, or “Manufacturer” 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag around the <img> tag with the href attribute set to the page url


    Argument Name: AltText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired image's Alt Text value (optional)

    Description: Returns the fully qualified <img src=”…”….> tag for the desired image. NoPicture or NoPictureIcon 
      may be returned also in some cases. This method will not produce a link to the large image when a medium image is
      requested. The SKU and ImageFileNameOverride arguments are optional and will cause the ID to be used as the 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupImage(ID, EntityOrObjectname, DesiredSize, DesiredSize, 
      IncludeATag)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: The ID of the object for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: EntityOrObjectName 
    Data Type: String <
    Description: The name of the object (“product”, “category”, “section”, etc.) for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: ImageFileNameOverride 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired object’s ImageFileNameOverride value (optional) 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired object’s SKU (optional, if using UseSKUForProductImageName) 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large, swatch 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag around the <img> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns an <img> tag specifically for a product. The ImageFileNameOverride or SKU parameter will 
      allow this method to perform much faster than the standard LookupImage function if you use 
      ImageFileNameOverride or UseSKUForProductImageName on your product's images. Either parameter 
      can be an empty string if not used.
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupProductImage(ProductID, ImageFileNameOverride, SKU, 
      DesiredSize, IncludeATag)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: The ID of the product for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: ImageFileNameOverride 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired products’s ImageFileNameOverride value (optional) 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired product’s SKU (optional, if using UseSKUForProductImageName) 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large, swatch 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag around the <img> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns an <img> tag specifically for a variant. The ImageFileNameOverride or SKU parameter will 
      allow this method to perform much faster than the standard LookupImage function if you use 
      ImageFileNameOverride or UseSKUForProductImageName on your product's images. Either parameter 
      can be an empty string if not used.
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:LookupVariantImage(ProductID, VariantID, ImageFileNameOverride, SKU, 
      DesiredSize, IncludeATag, AltText)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: The ID of the product for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: The ID of the variant for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: ImageFileNameOverride 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired products’s ImageFileNameOverride value (optional) 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired product’s SKU (optional, if using UseSKUForProductImageName) 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large , swatch 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag around the <img> tag with the href attribute set to the page url


     Argument Name: AltText 
     Data Type: String 
     Description: The desired image's Alt Text value (optional)

    Description: Displays the Zoomify image for the specified entity or product

    Argument Name: ID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The ID of the product or entity to find the image for 

    Argument Name: EntityOrObjectName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The name of the object (“product”, “category”, “section”, etc.) for which you want the image 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large 

    Description: Returns a page name for the specified Manufacturer page in the site, using static links if required 
      (e.g.m-17-hats.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not 
      be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select=”aspdnsf:ManufacturerLink(ManufacturerID, SEName, TagInnerText)” disableoutput-

    Argument Name: ManufacturerID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired manufacturer 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this manufacturer, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but 
        that takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Argument Name: TagInnerText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

    Description: Returns the current customer's MicroPay balance, localized if multiple currencies are set up.


    Argument Name: intOrderOptionID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns the icon image for a product for display within the minicart.

    Argument Name: intProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product for which you want the icon image 

    Argument Name: ImageFileNameOverride 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ImageFileNameOverride value for the product (if the product uses ImageFileNameOverride) 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product SKU (if using UseSKUForProductImageName ) 

    Description: Returns link to that Object page in the site, using static links if required (e.g. p--17-test.aspx). NOTE: 
      This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not be used in XmlPackage 
      transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ObjectLink(ObjectID, SEName, EntityName, IncludeATag)" disable-output-

    Argument Name: ObjectID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired object 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this object, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The name of the object (“product”, “category”, “section”, etc.) 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns true if the LiveServer AppConfig has a value in it, false if not.

    Argument Name: NotUsed 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Pass an empty string 


    Argument Name: strOrderOptions 
    Data Type: String 


    Argument Name: PaymentMethod 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShippingMethod 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShippingTotal 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShippingCalculationID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShipAddresses 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: IsAllDownloadComponents 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: IsAllFreeShippingComponents 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: IsAllSystemComponents 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns true if the Customer has previously purchased this product.

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to check for previous purchases of 

    Description: Displays the paging controls on product/entity pages

    Argument Name: BaseURL 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: URL for the product/entity main page (page 1, without ?pagenum params) 

    Argument Name: PageNum 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Current page number 

    Argument Name: NumPages 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Max number of pages for this product/entity 

    Description: Returns link to that product page (with category breadcrumb navigation), using static links if required 
      (e.g. p-17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not 
      be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductandCategoryLink(ProductID, SEName, CategoryID, IncludeATag)" 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired product 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this product, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
      takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: CategoryID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ID of the category to display breadcrumbs for 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns link to that product page (with entity breadcrumb navigation), using static links if required 
      (e.g. p-17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not 
      be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductAndEntityLink(ProductID, SEName, EntityID, EntityName, 
      IncludeATag)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired product 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this product, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: EntityID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ID of the category to display breadcrumbs for 

    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: "category", "section", "manufacturer", etc 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns link to that product page (with manufacturer breadcrumb navigation), using static links if 
      required (e.g. p-17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and 
      should not be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductandManufacturerLink(ProductID, SEName, ManufacturerID, 
      IncludeATag)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired product 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this product, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: ManufacturerID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ID of the manufacturer to display breadcrumbs for 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns link to that product page (with section breadcrumb navigation), using static links if 
      required (e.g. p-17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and 
      should not be used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductandSectionLink(ProductID, SEName, SectionID, 
      IncludeATag)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired product 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this product, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: SectionID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ID of the section to display breadcrumbs for 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns the contents the product description file
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductDescriptionFile(ProductID, IncludeBRBefore)" disable-

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to find the description file for 

    Argument Name: IncludeBRBefore 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Return a <br> tag before the contents of the file if true 

    Description: Returns a list of all the entities of the specified type that the specified product is mapped to, with a link
      to the landing page for each entity.

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Specified product 

    Argument Name: EntityName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: "category", "section", "manufacturer", etc 

    Description: Returns the path (relative or full URL) to the specified product image.
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductImageUrl(ProductID, ImageFileNameOverride, SKU, DesiredSize, 
      FullUrl)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Specified product 

    Argument Name: ImageFileNameOverride 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired product’s ImageFileNameOverride value (optional) 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The desired product’s SKU (optional, if using UseSKUForProductImageName) 

    Argument Name: DesiredSize 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: icon, medium, large 

    Argument Name: FullUrl 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Determine whether the path is a relative path (e.g. images/product/icon/imgname.jpg) or a full URL 
        (e.g. http://www.mydomain.com/images/product/medium/myimage.jpg) 

    Description: Returns a link to that product page, using static links if required (e.g. p-17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This 
      function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not be used in XmlPackage transforms 
      because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductLink(ProductID, SEName, IncludeATag)" disable-output-

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired product 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this product, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
      takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Description: Returns the next-previous product navigation for products within the specified category or section
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductNavLinks(ProductID, SectionID)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Specified product 

    Argument Name: SectionID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Desired section (specify this OR category) 

    Argument Name: CategoryID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Desired category (specify this OR section) 

    Description: Returns the full localized name of a product (parent product name + variant name)
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductProperName(ProductID, VariantID)" disable-output-

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Specified product 

    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Specified variant 

    Description: Returns the Product Rating display
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductRatings(ProductID, CategoryID, SectionID, ManufacturerID, 
      IncludeBRBefore)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display ratings for 

    Argument Name: CategoryID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SectionID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ManufacturerID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: IncludeBRBefore 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Return a <br> tag and a dividing line between the product description section and the ratings if true 

    Description: Returns the contents the product spec file
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductSpecs(ProductID, IncludeBRBefore, ShowSpecsInline, SpecUrl, 
      IFrameHeight)" disable-outputescaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to find the spec file for 

    Argument Name: IncludeBRBefore 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Return a <br> tag before the contents of the file if true 

    Argument Name: ShowSpecsInline 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: If true, specs will be displayed normally on the page immediately below the product description 

    Argument Name: SpecUrl 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: If the specs are hosted off-site, provide the URL here and they will be displayed in an iFrame 

    Argument Name: IFrameHeight 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Height of the iFrame if off-site specs are being used 


    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ShowSpecsInline 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SpecTitle 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SKU 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SpecUrl 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Outputs the contents of the specified file (for example, a JS file)

    Argument Name: FName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: File to read/display. This can be just the filename, the software will scan the whole virtual folder the 
        site resides in first, then attempt to do a drive search to find the file. 

    Description: Runs the relatedproducts.xml.config XML Package to display related products

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display related products of 


    Argument Name: URL 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Calls a remote URL and returns the response 

    Description: Replaces any occurences of \n with <br/>

    Argument Name: Content 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Text to perform the find/replace on 

    Description: Returns a form that contains an input control and submit button and posts to the search.aspx page
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:SearchBox()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 


    Description: Returns a page name for the specified Section page in the site, using static links if required (e.g.s-
      17-boots.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not be used 
      in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:SectionLink (SectionID, SEName, IncludeATag, TagInnerText)" 

    Argument Name: SectionID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired category 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this section, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
        takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Argument Name: TagInnerText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 


    Argument Name: delimitedString 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: delimiter 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: selection 
    Data Type: XPathNodeIterator 

    Argument Name: element 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Sends an email with the details specified below, using the AppLogic.SendMail function. MailMe_From* 
      AppConfigs are used for the email's 'From' data.

    Argument Name: Subject 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Desired Subject line 

    Argument Name: Body 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Content of the email 

    Argument Name: UseHtml 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: (true/false) Should the email body be in HTML format 

    Argument Name: ToAddress 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Destination address 

    Description: If the HttpContext.Current.Items collection does not already contain an XmlPackageTracePoint, it is 
      added and set to the value of the TraceName param. If the XmlPackageTracePoint already exists, it is overwritten 
      with the new value.

    Argument Name: TraceName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Value to insert 

    Description: If the ShowInventoryTable AppConfig is true, this will return a table with the product's inventory 
      status. Normal store customers will see only "Yes/No" for in-stock, store admins will see actual stock levels.

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display the inventory for 

    Description: If the specified product has an active quantity discount table, the discount displayed.

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display the quantity discount table for 

    Description: Deprecated, use RelatedProducts instead.

    Description: Displays upsell products for the specified product ID

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display upsell products for 

    Description: Returns the controls that allow customers to enter a quantity, set a price (if needed), and choose 

    Argument Name: ProductID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Product to display controls for 

    Argument Name: VariantID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Variant to display controls for 

    Argument Name: Colors 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: Sizes 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: ColorPrompt 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: SizePrompt 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: RestrictedQuantities 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: boolCustomerEntersPrice 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: CustomerEntersPricePrompt 
    Data Type: String 

    Argument Name: intTaxClassID 
    Data Type: String 

    Description: Returns the # of the skin the current customer is seeing the site in.

    Description: Splits a string and puts it inside tags using the specified TagName, e.g. 
      <TagName>value1</TagName><TagName>value2</TagName>,etc. The values will be XML Encoded.

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to split 

    Argument Name: Delimiter 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Character to split the string on 

    Argument Name: TagName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Tag to put the split strings in 

    Description: Returns the store version

    Argument Name: NotUsed 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Pass an empty string 

    Description: Returns the store version

    Argument Name: NotUsed 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Pass an empty string 

    Description: Returns capitalized (first letter only) string (invariant culture).

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to capitalize 

    Description: Uses a delimited list of params to format a string that has format tags in it.

    Argument Name: SrcString 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to format 

    Argument Name: FormatParams 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Delimited list of Format tags 

    Argument Name: Delimiter 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Delimiter char to split the list of FormatParams on 

    StrFormatString Resource 
    Description: Uses a delimited list of params to format a StringResource that has format tags in it.

    Argument Name: StringResourceName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String resource to format 

    Argument Name: FormatParams 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Delimited list of Format tags 

    Argument Name: Delimiter 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Delimiter char to split the list of FormatParams on 

    Description: Returns the specified string resource value.
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:StringResource(StringResourceName)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> 

    Argument Name: StringResourceName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String resource to return 

    Description: Strings HTML tags out of a supplied string.

    Argument Name: TheString 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to remove HTML tags from 

    Description: Replaces the old value of a string with a new value

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be changed 

    Argument Name: OldValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String's current value 

    Argument Name: NewValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: New value to be assigned 

    Description: Returns lowercase of a string (invariant culture).

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be made lowercase 

    Description: Returns uppercase of a string (invariant culture).

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be made uppercase 

    Description: Returns trimmed (no trailing/leading whitespace) string.

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be trimmed 

    Description: Returns a string with any trailing whitespace trimmed.

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be trimmed 

    Description: Returns a string with any leading whitespace trimmed.

    Argument Name: S 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be trimmed 

    Description: Returns a copy of the specified string converted to lowercase using the casing rules of the invariant 

    Argument Name: StrValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be converted 

    Description: Returns the contents of the specified topic with any parser tokens replaced with their intended values. 
      NOTE: If the TopicName and TopicID provided do not reference the same topic, the topic specified by Name will be 

    Argument Name: TopicName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Name of the topic to replace 

    Argument Name: TopicID 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: ID of the topic to replace 
    Description: Returns a copy of the specified string converted to uppercase using the casing rules of the invariant 

    Argument Name: StrValue 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: String to be converted 

    Description: Deprecated, use ShowUpsellProducts instead. 

    Description: If the customer is not logged in, returns the value of skinbase.cs.7. If they are, it returns the full 
      customer name.

    Description: If the current customer is not logged in, returns an emptry string. If the current user is an admin, 
      returns the full name. If the current user is a customer, returns the value of skinbase.cs.1 + their name and their 
      customer level name (if any) as a link to the account page.

    Description: Returns a page name for the specified Vector page in the site, using static links if required (e.g. 
      v-17-hats.aspx). NOTE: This function is for backward compatibility with Parser functions only and should not be 
      used in XmlPackage transforms because it outputs invalid XML when using the IncludeATag. 
    Sample: <xsl:value-of select=”aspdnsf:VectorLink(VectorID, SEName, TagInnerText)” disableoutput-

    Argument Name: VectorID 
    Data Type: Integer 
    Description: ID of the desired vector 

    Argument Name: SEName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The SEName field from the db for this vector, if known. If blank, the store will figure it out, but that 
      takes an extra database query 

    Argument Name: IncludeATag 
    Data Type: Boolean 
    Description: Returns an <a> tag with the href attribute set to the page url 

    Argument Name: TagInnerText 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: The text that goes inside the <a> tag, only used when the IncludeATag is true (set to empty string 

    Description: Returns the finale, transformed results of running the specified XML package, named with a .xml.config
      extension. NOTE: Be careful that the XML Package does not refer to itself directly or indirectly or you could cause 
      endless recursion! 

    Argument Name: PackageName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: XML Package to run 

    Description: Returns XML ready to be modified or traversed using the available .NET methods for working with XML

    Argument Name: packageName 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Package to run 

    Argument Name: runtimeParams 
    Data Type: String 
    Description: Parameters to use when running the specified XML Package

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