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    Home > Skinning > Tokens


    Tokens are text that you place throughout your site to add dynamic information to a page or block of content. Tokens can be used in layout files and topics as well as category, and product descriptions.


    To add tokens to a layout or view file use this format:



    Or for more complicated tokens

    @Html.Token("TOKENNAME", new { key = "value", key2 = "value2"})



    Everywhere else (Topics, Category Descriptions, Product Descriptions, etc.) you can add tokens like this:



    Or for more complicated tokens:

    (!TokenName Key='Value' Key2='Value'!)


    For live token examples on your own AspDotNetStorefront site visit http://{YOURDOMAIN}/t-tokens.aspx . This topic page allows you to see all the available tokens and what they render out on your own site.


    Available Tokens

    ADDTOCARTFORM Creates an add-to-cart form for a product

    (!AddToCartForm ProductId='1' VariantId='1'!)

    APPCONFIG Get the value of an appconfig

    (!AppConfig Name='storename'!)
    (!CategoryLink CategoryId='1' SEName='category-one'!)

    COPYRIGHTYEARS Get the copyright year or year range


    COUNTRYSELECTLIST Used to output the country drop down


    CURRENCYSELECTLIST Used to output the currency drop down


    CUSTOMERID The current user's CustomerId


    CUSTOMERLOCALE Gets the current user's locale

    (!EntityLink EntityId='1' SeName='category-one' EntityName='category'!)

    FORMATCURRENCY Format a decimal in the current user's currency

    (!FormatCurrency Value='10.00'!)

    IMAGEURL Gets a URL for a product or entity image

    (!ImageUrl Id='1' Type='product' Size='icon'!)

    INVOCATION Shows the URL including the sub-folder application name (if you have one) and the query string


    LOCALESETTING Gets the current user's locale


    LOOKUPIMAGE Renders an image of a product or entity

    (!LookupImage Id='1' Type='product' Size='icon'!)
    (!ManufacturerLink ManufacturerId='1' SEName='manufacturer-one'!)

    MICROPAYBALANCE The current user's MicroPay balance


    MICROPAYBALANCECURRENCY The current user's MicroPay balance converted to the user's currency


    MICROPAYBALANCERAW The current user's MicroPay balance without a label


    NUMCARTITEMS The number of items in the current user's shopping cart


    NUMWISHITEMS The number of items in the current user's wishlist

    (!ObjectLink ObjectId='1' SeName='category-one' ObjectName='category'!)

    PAGEINFO HTML commented page diagnostic info used on the default template

    (!ProductLink ProductId='1' SEName='product-one'!)

    PRODUCTPROPERNAME Get a product and variant concatenated name (Product Name-Variant Name)

    (!ProductProperName ProductId='1' VariantId='1'!)
    (!SectionLink SectionId='1' SEName='department-one'!)

    SIGNINOUTTEXT "Login" or "Logout" depending on the whether the current user is logged in or not


    SKINID Get the current SkinId


    SKINNAME Get the current SkinName


    SKINPATH Get the current SkinPath


    STORELOCALE Gets the default locale for the store


    STRINGRESOURCE Get a string resource

    (!StringResource Name='ResponsiveSkin.AccountLabel'!)

    TOPIC Get the contents of a topics

    (!Topic name='HelpBox'!)
    (!TopicLink Name='about'!)

    URL Get a URL to a given action and controller with optional route values

    (!Url ActionName='Index' ControllerName='Checkout' Query1='test' Query2='test'!)

    USERMENUNAME Says the user's name if you're logged in otherwise it says "my account"


    USERNAME Says "Welcome, {User Name}" if you're logged in


    VATSELECTLIST Used to output the inclusive/exclusive vat drop down


    XMLPACKAGE Display the output of an XmlPackage

    (!XmlPackage Name='RelatedProducts' ProductId='1'!)


    Deprecated Tokens

    The following tokens are no longer available in 10.0.0 - 10.0.23


    Displays the string "AspDotNetStorefront Admin For:"

    Please use (!StringResource Name='admin.main.ascx.adminfor'!) instead.


    The shopping cart string resource

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.cartprompt'!) instead.


    Display a header for the category menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.categorypromptplural'!) instead.


    Display a header for the category menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.categorypromptsingular!) instead.


    Display a header for the category menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.categorypromptplural'!) instead.


    Used to show or hide the country dropdown div


    Used to show or hide the country dropdown div


    Used to show or hide the currency drop down div


    Used to show or hide the currency drop down div


    Render an email a product to a friend link


    Shows the news box

    Use the news xmlpackage token instead (!XmlPackage Name='news'!).


    Shows the specials box


    Shows a random special product from the given category


    Get a number between 1 and 7


    Shows the "helpbox" topic

    Please use (!Topic Name='helpbox'!) instead.


    Displays the help box topic

    Please use (!Topic Name='helpbox'!) instead.


    Display a header for the manufacturer menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.manufacturerpromptplural'!) instead.


    Display a header for the manufacturer menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.manufacturerpromptsingular'!) instead.


    Display a header for the manufacturer menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.manufacturerpromptplural'!) instead.


    Displays the news summary

    Use the news xmlpackage token instead (!XmlPackage Name='news'!).


    Used to output the page URL

    You can use the (!INVOCATION!) token if you need something similar.


    Return paging links


    Display a product's ratings


    Get a number between 1 and 7


    Display a product's related products

    Use the related products xmlpackage token directly instead: (!XmlPackage Name='RelatedProducts' ProductId='1'!)

    Displays the search box.

    Use the partial view for search instead.

    Displays the search box


    Display a header for the department menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.sectionpromptplural'!) instead.


    Display a header for the department menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.sectionpromptsingular'!) instead.


    Display a header for the department menu

    Please use (!StringResource Name='appconfig.sectionpromptplural'!) instead.


    Displays the contents of the StoreName appconfig

    Please use (!AppConfig Name='storename'!) instead.


    Displays the contents of the StoreName appconfig

    Please use (!AppConfig Name='storename'!) instead.


    Display a product's upsell products

    You can use the xmlpackage token instead: (!XmlPackage Name='UpsellProducts' ProductId='1'!)


    Account and login/logout link


    Used to show or hide the inclusive/exclusive vat drop down


    Used to show or hide the inclusive/exclusive vat drop down


    Shows the current user's vat registration id


    Shows the verified by Visa seal if you've got Cardinal Commerce enabled

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