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    Home > Setup (Content) > Manage Products > Import/Export


    From Products Menu, click Import/Export.

    On this page (as well as this one), products can be imported in bulk. This page requires those products to be in an Excel file, formatted like this sample file. You can get a copy of the file from your site web files in the /ImportFileSamples folder.

    When an import file is processed, the software looks at each entry and compares it to existing products in the storefront. If the SKU of a product in the import file matches an existing product, that existing product is updated with the information from the new file. If there is no SKU match, then a new product is created with that information. 

    Importing Products

    To import a new product list (or update existing products), use the Choose File button to locate the import file, then click Upload.


    Once the file has been processed (this can take a while if it is a large import file), the screen below will be shown. It is a good idea to click the View Import Log link and make sure that there are no errors showing. If everything looks ok, click the Click Here to Accept Import button to complete the process. If there are problems showing in the log file, or you wish to cancel the import, click the Click Here to Undo the Import button.


    Excel Product Import Fields

    This section explains the usage of the fields in the Excel Import spreadsheet - for detailed descriptions of what those fields do, see this page.

    Standard Products

    Field Name Description
    ProductName* This is the name of the product, as it will appear to your customers.
    ProductTypeID* Here you specify the Product Type (Generic Product, Kit Product, etc).
    Manufacturer* This is the Manufacturer your new product will be mapped to. If no manufacturers are set up or used for your business, use the "Generic Mfg" that comes preloaded in the software.
    Distributor This is the Distributor that your product will be assigned to (for drop shipping purposes).
    Category1 This field (and the next 3) can be used to map the new product to a category. The format should be /category/subcat/subsubcat/etc (be sure to include the preceding /). For example, /Books/Science Fiction/Robert A. Heinlein. If a category listed in this field doesn't exist when the import runs, it will be created.
    Department1 This field (and the next 3) can be used to map the new product to a Department.
    Summary Provides an overview about the product.
    Description Provides a description about the product.
    SEKeywords Contains keywords used to create the meta tags on product pages.
    SEDescription Contains description used to create the meta tags on product pages.
    SETitle Contains title used to create the meta tags on product pages.
    SKU This is your SKU for the product. This can be any alphanumeric sequence you like.
    Manufacturer PartNumber This value will be sent in distributor emails if populated (optional).
    XmlPackage Provides the type of Xml Package (layout) set up on the product.
    ColWidth If multiple variants exist and are being displayed in one of the grid XML packages, determines how many columns to arrange them in.
    SalesPromptID Contains the integer that determines the Sales Prompt Name issued on the product.
    Published Determines whether or not the product appears on the front end of the site.
    RequiresRegistration Hides the product from anonymous customers.
    RelatedProducts Insert product names here. These product will be displayed in a special box at the bottom of the main product's page.
    MiscText Provides any statement the store owner desires. For internal use only.
    TrackInventoryBySizeAndColor Allows you to specify individual inventory level for every size/color combination set up on the product variant(s).
    (Using this method will not work with Kits tied to the variant)
    IsAKit Set this as a kit product.
    ImageFilename Override Enter the full image name including the file extension if using this method for images. This automatically overrides images mapped by the ProductID (or SKU). Example: product123.png
    ExtensionData Generates product's information as internal notes, special instructions, etc.
    SEAltText Alt text that will display in place of product images if the image cannot load for some reason.
    VariantName Name of this product variant (optional). This value will be appended to the parent product name if filled in.
    IsDefaultVariant Sets the variant as default.
    SKUSuffix This value will be appended to the parent product SKU on receipts and during checkout )optional).
    ManufacturerPartNumber This value will be sent in distributor emails if populated (optional).
    Description Provides a description about the variant.
    SEKeywords Contains keywords used to create the meta tags on variant pages.
    SEDescription Contains description used to create the meta tags on variant pages.
    SETitle Contains title used to create the meta tags on variant pages.
    Price* The price that will be displayed to customers.
    SalePrice Specifies the sale price of the product.
    MSRP Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price; For internal use only.
    Cost The quoted product price paid by the store owner to the manufacturer. For internal use only.
    Weight Variant weight, used for shipping calculations.
    Dimensions Size of the package the item ships in.
    Inventory Determines the listing of item on hand.
    Display Order Contains the order by which a certain variant will be shown at the StoreFront.
    Colors Contains the variant's list of colors.
    ColorSKUModifiers Contains the variant's list of SKUs assigned for each color.
    Sizes Contains the variant's list of sizes.
    SizeSKUModifiers Contains the variant's list of SKUs assigned for each size.
    IsTaxable Determines whether or not this variant is taxed under the class set for the parent product.
    IsShipSeparately If using realtime shipping, this instructs the carrier to calculate the cost of shipping this item in its own box.
    IsDownload Set yes if the product is downloadable.
    DownloadLocation This is the URL the customers will click once they purchased the dowloadable product.
    Published Determines whether or not the variant appears on the front end of the site. NOTE: The default variant requires publishing when setting up the variants in an import.
    ImageFilename Override Enter the full image name including the file extension if using this method for images. This automatically overrides images mapped by the ProductID (or SKU). Example: product123.png
    Extension Data Generates variant's information as internal notes, special instructions, etc.
    SEAltText Alt text that will display in place of variant images if the image cannot load for some reason.
    StoreMappings This is a comma-delimited list of the stores you wish to map this product to. Each store can be listed by ID, or by name. NOTE: If any of your stores have commas in their names, you must use IDs for this field.

    Global Trade Item Number for the product variant.

    * denotes a required field

    Kit Products

    Field Name Description
    ProductName* This is the name of the kit product, as it will appear to your customers.
    ProductTypeID* Here you specify the Product Type as Kit Product.
    Manufacturer* This is the Manufacturer where your kit product will be mapped to. If no manufacturers are set up or used for your business, use the Generic Mfg that comes preloaded in the software.
    Category This field (and the next 3) can be used to map the kit product to a category. The format should be /category/subcat/subsubcat/etc (be sure to include the preceding/).
    Department This field (and the next3) can be used to map the new product to a department.
    Summary Provides an overview about the kit product.
    Description Provides a description about the kit product.
    SKU This your SKU for the KIT product.
    ManufacturerPartNumber This value will be sent in distributor emails if populated (optional).
    XmlPackage The XML Package type is product.kitproduct.xml.config.
    ColWidth If multiple kit products exist and are being displayed in one category, determines how many columns to arrange them in.
    SalesPromptID Contains the integer that determines the Sales Prompt Name issued on the kit product. To manage SalesPromptID, go to Misc menu, click on Sales Prompts.
    Published Determines whether or not the kit product appears on the front end of the site.
    Requires Registration Hides the product from anonymous customers.
    TrackInvetoryBySizeAndColor Allows you to specify individual inventory level for every size/color combination set up on the kit product variant.
    IsAKit* Set this as a kit product.
    Is Default Variant Sets the variant as default.
    Price* The price that will be displayed to customers.
    IsTaxable Determines whether or not the kit item is taxed under the class set for the kit product.
    IsShipSeparately If using realtime shipping, this instructs the carrier to calculate the cost shipping this kit product in its own box.
    IsDownload Set yes if the kit product is downloadable.
    Published Determines whether or not the kit item product appears on the front end of the site.
    KitGroupDef These are set of fields that defines the Kit Group.
    Name This is the name of the kit group, as it may appear to your clients.
    Description Provides a description about the kit group.
    DisplayOrder Contains the order by which a certain kit group will be shown at the Storefront.
    KitGroupTypeID** Determines the kit group type contained in the drop down menu when creating a kit group
    IsRequired Enables the customer to select at least one item from the kit group before adding the kit to their cart.
    Name* This is the name of the kit item, as it may appear to your clients.
    Description Provides a description about the kit item.
    Display Order Contains the order by which a certain kit item will be shown at the Storefront.
    Price Delta The amount that this kit item changes the base kit price.
    IsDefault Sets the kit item as default display when the user views the kit group.
    TextOptionMaxLength Determines the maximum length of text option field.
    TextOptionMaxWidth Determines the maximum width of text option field.
    TextOptionMaxHeight Determines the maximum height of text option field.

    * denotes a required field

    ** KitGroupTypeID Values:

    1. Single Select Dropdown List 
    2. Single Select Radio List
    3. Multi Select Checkbox 
    4. Textbox 
    5. Text Area 
    6. File Upload
    If you are requiring t​o import more than 10,000 rows of product data at once, you will need to add an AppConfig (Settings): ImportMaxRowsExcel with the value of your maximum row count.


    IMPORTANT NOTES concerning Product UPDATE using the ExcelImport.xls method:


    When performing an UPDATE to an existing PRODUCT:

    • If the product has an existing SKU value, the SKU field in the import sheet MUST match (otherwise a new product is created
    • If the product does not have an existing SKU value, the ProductName MUST match (otherwise a new product is created)
    • If the SKU fields match, the ProductName can be updated
    • The SKU value cannot be updated via the import


    When performing an UPDATE to an existing VARIANT:

    • If the variant has an existing SKUSuffix value AND/OR a VariantName, the fields in the import sheet MUST match (otherwise a new variant is created)
    • If the variant has no VariantName and no SKUSuffix (both blank), the fields in the import sheet MUST both be blank (otherwise a new variant is created)
    • Note that if there are multiple variants without VariantName and SKUSuffix, it will update the first one by variant ID. Ideally with multiple variant products, each variant should have a different VariantName and/or SKUSuffix.
    • The VariantName and SKUSuffix values cannot be updated via the import

    The following fields will be set to NULL on an UPDATE if the import file field is blank:




    The following fields will be set to the default value on an UPDATE if the import file field is blank:



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